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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Breach of Health Records Privacy by nosy doctors - Contempt for Rule of Law shown by one doctor

Title: Breach of Health Records Privacy by nosy doctors - Contempt for Rule of Law shown by one doctor

While no personal harm was likely done by the improper searches made by Dr. Crombie Stebner, the Privacy Commissioner was doing his job properly when he published the results of his inquiry which concluded that she breached the privacy of one or more individual's health records. 

As background to this it is worth knowing that there is a province-wide computerized data-base provided by the Government of Saskatchewan that covers all prescription drugs, all hospital provided services, doctors' office visits and treatments and other health services relating to citizens.  The data-base covers current patient health information, and it goes back many years, even prior to current methods of creating computerized records.  This informational data-base is now available to hospitals and hospital medical staff, likely including administrative staff, as well as all licensed doctors and possibly other health care providers, and will, within some months, be provided to ordinary citizens relating to their own health issues that arise and are dealt with within the Saskatchewan health system.

It is fortuitous that this matter has become public at this time as it may have the effect of helping to ensure that measures are taken to strengthen laws and methods intended to prevent or avoid such breaches in the future.

An interesting factor in this case is the sense of entitlement (common to the attitudes of our current generation of younger people in Canadian society) displayed by Dr. Stebner. As Judge Danyliuk said - “The aura of entitlement is palpable.” Stebner quite obviously was and is more concerned about her personal rights than those of others and has shown contempt for the rule of law by placing her personal interests above our constitutional rights to have information about judicial proceedings and other legitimate concerns, like privacy matters and the job of the Privacy Commissioner, disseminated publicly.  This contempt for the rule of law and the desire that personal feelings and falsely apprehended 'rights' over-ride the rule of law, is a growing problem today, and is part of the problem revealed by the actions of the federal Liberals in the SNC-Lavalin scandal.

See the Leader Post reports relating to both Judge Richard Danyliuk's decision and the Report of the Privacy Commissioner to be found at the following web pages:




Saturday, March 30, 2019

Toronto City Council hypocrites - Pay Us our compensation first

I don't even need to read this article to know what a load of crap, hypocrisy and flim-flam the  Toronto City council are pedalling. 

If they have a right, which is nonsense to start with, to claim, blame and even prove damage done by polluters, then lets be fair about it. 

What about the enormous damage done to the economy and to ordinary citizens on a regular basis by stupid political policies and projects, wasteful and incompetent management and taxes stolen from citizens and corporations by politicians and bureaucrats to pay for these frauds?  Should we poor, suffering citizens not have the right to claim, blame and get compensation from the politicians and their bureaucrats for damages done to us by politicians, bureaucrats and the host of parasites that steal our money, then spend a lot more than they can pay and pass the debt costs on to our innocent children and future businesses? 

Those damages should also be paid by the judges who protect these incompetents from being made legally responsible for their ill-advised actions.  If you want proof of this, just examine the results of the policies of the McGuinty/Wynne and the Trudeau Liberals.  What about the billions stolen from us by all governments and their specially enriched cartel friends for over-priced chickens, pork, milk products and taxi fares forced on us by the cartel management schemes of the Supply Management conspiracy?  None of the political parties of Canada should be left off this roster of money-grabbers.

See the article by Terence Corcoran about the Toronto hypocrites and flim-flam artists:



The Great Collusion Hoax - Mass Hysteria and Insanity

Canadians, many suffering from their continual delusion of superiority to Americans, abandoned their judgments and minds just as many Americans did, for entirely crass and vile reasons, in swallowing, hook, line and sinker, the Great Collusion Hoax perpetrated by the US Democrats, their toadies of the media and the deep state bureaucrats of the so-called Justice department. Canadian commentator, Rex Murphy, described the media accurately in his article published at:


except for one, not so small, omission:

A fair article, other than the use of the word "sloppy".  The rest of the narrative does not support "sloppy" - it supports "criminal conspiracy", "mass insanity", or the ethics and psychopathy of a "serial rapist or murderer".  And it supports the characterization of "self-deluded fools" and "wishful idiots" for the great mass of media watchers who lapped up the vomit with such enthusiasm.  This applies with equal measure to the ignorant uneducated and to the educated, normally more sophisticated, haters alike.  Canadians, who usually (and falsely) pride themselves as being so much more sophisticated than most Americans, are no exceptions to that characterization.

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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Supply management is doomed. Three cheers for Maxime Bernier.

 The Quebec CACK government, crazy in many ways ( its insane attitude to pipelines, or chickens or milk products, for instance, has seen the light on taxi deregulation).  Consumers have been held for ransom with unreasonable costs for taxi fares for many decades because of government-imposed supply-management rules to make taxi-operators and companies rich at consumers' expense.  Now that is changing.

Take this quote from the government: “This new (regulatory) flexibility will allow the laws of the market to open the way for new, more competitive, more focused business models better adapted to the diverse demands of consumers.”

What has been the reaction to taxi deregulation? The industry hates it. That should be an object lesson for anyone tempted to assume regulation and regulators always work in the public interest. Taxi regulation has mainly benefited taxi owners and drivers. That should read "always", not mainly.

Perhaps Maxime Bernier's influence will prevail, even if he is not victorious in electing his party members.

He is clearly a prophet, but not loved by the establishment.  What else is new over the past several thousand years?  At least he has not been crucified.

See this story:  https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/william-watson-quebec-takes-a-wrecking-ball-to-supply-management-in-the-taxi-industry-and-actually-gets-something-right

Let us hope that this is not just an abberation and that it continues to derail other supply-management screwing of the public.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Incredible incompetence of Trudeau government revealed

Two recent National Post articles concerning the SNC-Lavalin Scandal and the roles of leading persons in the Liberal government and bureaucracy throw an intense light upon the Liberal government and its competency.

See:  https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/ottawa-officials-keep-pushing-myths-about-remediation-agreements-amid-the-snc-lavalin-scandal?video_autoplay=true

And see: https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/how-trudeau-can-easily-help-snc-lavalin-and-other-corporate-wrongdoers-without-corrupting-justice


Want proof that the Liberals are unable or unwilling to fix the problem (as long as they were willing to admit a problem, of  course)?  The lead-in to the Osborne article (the second article mentioned above) said:  "How Trudeau can easily help SNC-Lavalin (and other corporate wrongdoers) without corrupting justice.  Opinion - All the government has to do is overhaul the debarment policy."

Gerry Butts said - “There is no solution that does not involve interference” .  This ill-informed response tells us a lot about the 'genius' Butts and his friend, Justin Trudeau.  Butts, of course, helped to nearly destroy Ontario and helped heap huge penalty costs upon businesses and homeowners for electricity during the Liberal Ontario disaster. 

These are the people who are governing this country.  I couldn't believe the pile of doo-doo they were mired in could get worse, but it did.  Thanks for the info, Mr. Osborne.


Now add the information in the 1st article mentioned above:

Combine this information with the information in the Financial Post article by W. Michael G. Osborne on March 19th, 2019, and the foolishness of the government and its 'geniuses', and the full intensity of the SNC-Lavalin Corruption Scandal, could likely have been avoided.

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Saturday, March 23, 2019

More climate change nonsense from a nominally conservative pundit

Chris Selly, a writer for the National Post is clearly a climate alarmist, spreading the alarm to all and sundry because he has frightened himself.  This is proof that even conservative writers can easily be duped.

See his article at: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/chris-selley-preston-manning-has-answer-to-carbon-problem-but-clout-with-conservatives-seems-in-decline

If carbon dioxide produced by human activity was a real cause of theoretically harmful climate change, Carbon taxation might be a reasonable thing to do.

However,  how can reasonable citizens trust politicians and their governments who are always grabbing more money from taxpayers for their often corrupt, wasteful and goofy projects and undeserved pensions. 

Because of this, taxation of carbon dioxide production by motor vehicles, home and building heating in our near Arctic climate, and industrial activities, is not an acceptable measure. 

Moreover, since Canada's contribution to world carbon dioxide production is so inconsequential and miniscule compared to the so-called carbon dioxide 'footprints' of India, China, the USA and other massive industrialized economies, going nuts to create a Carbon Tax is not only unnecessary, but stupid, and only amounts to virtue signalling how marvellous in their own minds our politicians are. 

Unfortunately, even conservatives, like Selley, have drunk the poisoned coolaid spread by the UN IPCC, Al Gore, Suzuki and the other loony priests of climate change.  The methods adopted by the Saskatchewan government and other non-Liberal players to sequester carbon dioxide is a fairer and more effective way to do the job, if it must be done.


The world's a lot better off than you think - a startling new revelation - which is old news

This is the opening few lines of a recent article in the National Post:

"Robert Fulford - The world's a lot better off than you think
The authors of Clear and Present Safety clearly believe that almost everyone is mistaken about the state of the world. They're right."

See the article at:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/robert-fulford-the-worlds-a-lot-better-off-than-you-think

However, Mr. Fulford is quick to make excuses for why he and so many others were or are ignorant of  "the state of the world".   He says the media and others are 'clumsy about the facts'.  Nonsense!

The media and the many university academics constantly lie to us driven by their neo-Marxist political prejudices - the CBC being a prime example. They are not being 'clumsy about the facts' as Mr. Fulford says.  Because of those prejudices they 'know' they are correct - politically correct - and, as a corollary, any opposing ideas must be not only wrong, but wrong because of false ideas based on prejudice and evil intent.  So, for them, it is fair game to ignore the offending facts. This 'new' revelation described by Mr. Fulford is well known to those who have a clear vision and understanding of the world. It is just ignored by the media for the reasons described above.

Another example like Steven Pinker's book "Enlightenment Now" referenced in Terence Corcoran's article in the National Post and  the Financial Post as: 'Terence Corcoran - At Davos, the world is aflame. Everywhere else, things are awesome' is "Population Bombed! Exploding the Link Between Overpopulation and Climate Change" by two Toronto academics, Pierre Desrochers and Joanna Szurmak.

see: https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/terence-corcoran-at-davos-the-world-is-aflame-everywhere-else-things-are-awesome and see: https://populationbombed.com/

It is all there, ladies and gentlemen.


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

ChristChurch killer, evil-doer as he is, was motivated by Socialist Fascism as exemplified by China and Hitler's Germany

John Robson's article in the National Post at:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/john-robson-so-shootings-are-about-ideology-after-all?video_autoplay=true#comments-area -is a bit muddled, which is a bit unusual for Mr. Robson.  As far as it goes, I think I get his gist, but he could have made things much clearer if he had said something like this:

The ChristChurch terrorist, murderer, thug, evil-doer (yes, he is all of those) described himself as a follower and admirer of Communist China when he said in his 'Manifesto' that he was  an “eco-fascist by nature” and a supporter of British fascist Sir Oswald Mosley, who supported Hitler. The killer praises China as the “nation with the closest political and social values to my own.”  That translates  more into him being a socialist-minded fascist - like Hitler of the German National Socialists and like Mussolini of the Italian Fascisti, than most  historical bad guys I know about.  His behaviour also parallels that of the murdering Jihadi of Islam whom he obviously hates as well.

This is a far cry from Trump, whom the knee jerk anti-Trumpists try to blame for everything they don't like that happens in the world today, but it is not that far away from the leading lights of the US Democrats in the early part of the 20th century, like President Woodrow Wilson, Father Coughlin, leaders of the Ku Klux Clan, and many political philosophers supporting the US Democrats.  These Democrats were an direct inspiration to Hitler and Mussolini, as they have acknowledged back in the 1920's and 1930's.  Many of  these folks were believers of the theory of Eugenics, which finally resulted in the death camps of the NAZI's. The thread of that fascism persists into the values, beliefs and attitudes of the liberal-progressives of today.  If you are so ignorant that you don't know that, then its about time you learned a bit of history.

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Monday, March 18, 2019

Trudeau Government guilty of dereliction of duty, contempt for the rule of law, in failing to prosecute returning ISIL terrorists

Diane Francis' article in the National  Post outlines clearly that the Trudeau government has failed in its duty to protect Canadians from returning ISIL terrorists.  Minister Goodale admits the number of terrorists returning is around 60.  Lets hope they all move to Ottawa.

It should not be particularly difficult to charge and convict an suspected ISIL Terrorist under Section 83.181 and Section 83.18(1) of Canada's Criminal Code.  The Liberals' failure to take action against the large number of ISIL terrorist participants who left Canada to join the ISIL Terrorist Group is dereliction of duty, outright contempt for the rule of law, and enough reason to both defeat this terrorist-friendly government and fire those responsible for the due administration of justice in Canada relating to these cases, if not to take even more serious steps.  Trudeau and his henchmen and henchwomen have a lot to answer for to Canadians. The Omar Khadr case, although not relating directly to ISIL, is another case in point.  These murderers are laughing at Canada's stupidity.

See web page for article at:  https://business.financialpost.com/diane-francis/all-of-canada-under-threat-for-liberals-refusal-to-uphold-law-concerning-returning-isil-fighters


Sunday, March 17, 2019

Unifor and Sting spread their delusions about GM Oshawa shutdown

Mr. Corcoran has skewered the lies, self-delusions and nonsense being spread by Unifor (an auto-workers' union) and its highly over-paid  President and a wealthy dilettante like Sting about stopping General Motors from closing the Oshawa car plant. See my comment below and the original article.  Sales of sedans has been dropping substantially during the last few years for all manufacturers because of a huge drop in demand and much increased customer preferences for trucks and SUVs.  Revenues from Sedan sales are substantially down, making continued over-production a losing proposition. Sedan production is what the Oshawa plant was set up for.

Here is the web address for the article:


What self-respecting and successful businesses anywhere in the world could survive by setting their policies based on the 'community's' desires (socialist desires) and ignore the needs of its shareholders? Many of said shareholders are teachers' and other employees' unions who rely on the earnings from the businesses they invest in to fund the comfortable retirement of workers who are now or will be retired.  Of course, the socialist union leaders and wealthy dilettantes like Sting (who take their inflated salaries and profits without regard for the workers), don't care about such economic facts of life.  Wouldn't it be so much better, these dreamers in fantasy-land say, to have a worker's state take over the entire economy and, like the Soviet Union, or Venezuela, or other socialist nightmare states, produce vehicles like East German-made junk Brabants  or Russian-made junk Ladas at a loss.

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Trudeau's excuses about job losses at SNC-Lavalin shown to be Lies and Exaggerations

Finally someone (2 someones) has done the research and analysis to throw Trudeau's lies and exaggerations about 'saving jobs at SNC-Lavalin as being so overwhelmingly important to Canada as to justify their attack on the rule of law by trying to interfere with prosecutorial discretion lawfully exercised by the proper officers of the government into the garbage.  Thanks to these fine gentlemen.

These facts, finally assembled, throw some much-needed light on the Trudeau government's lies and exaggerations, and reveal what most non-partisan observers thought all along.  Its politics pure and simple.  But you can't tell the truth about that and get the sympathy of the voters who might realize they were being scammed.  And, of course, don't lose sight of the large donations the Trudeau Liberals have been getting from SNC-Lavalin.  Thank God we still have a free press in Canada and at least the National Post seems interested in publishing in-depth analysis.

See the article by Phillip Cross, 36 year veteran and retired  Chief Economic Analyst at Statistics Canada,  and Ian Lee, PhD, Professor at Carleton University’s Sprott School of Business at:


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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker, a Democrat, has blown the Democrats cherished hopes for an impeachment process against Trump right out of the water.

Mike Huckabee, past governor of Arkansas and Republican Candidate for President, has beautifully explained why Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives and Democratic Congress-woman, has publicly thrown in the towel, and backed away from the huge Democratic plot to impeach Prtesident Trump for alleged collusion with the Russians during his election in 2016.  Investigator Mueller is going to report soon on his investigation.  It is widely believed by sane observers that he will announce that no evidence was found of the alleged collusion.  The Democrats were hoping this smear could be dragged out into the 2020 election period and have been hyping it for 2 years.

Huckabee says:

"Pelosi just saved all of them, from Democrats in Congress to liberal media commentators to the legions of duped Russia collusion believers, a whole lot of embarrassment. If they kept going along their trajectory, they would be in for a much harsher backlash when the much hyped special counsel reveal turns out to be a big nothing burger. At least now they can tone down their rhetoric and stop overselling the likelihood of impeachment to all their supporters".

See the whole article by him at:  https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/434006-the-real-reason-nancy-pelosi-has-backed-away-from-impeachment?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=idealmedia&utm_campaign=thehill.com&utm_term=69018&utm_content=2343012

Friday, March 15, 2019

Rex Murphy nails Trudeau again for his hypocrisy in the scandals

Rex Murphy rightly excoriated the Liberals and Trudeau for using their control of the House of Commons inaptly named Justice Committee to shut down further witness interviews that might not be to their liking.  Trudeau and his henchmen claimed justification for their actions in hounding the to-be fired Attorney General because of the importance to them of a possible loss of 9,000 Quebec jobs if the prosecution of SNC-Lavalin proceeded.  This defence of their actions is a huge exercise in Liberal hypocrisy.

Mr. Murphy's article may be found at:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rex-murphy-sorry-liberals-the-jobs-excuse-for-the-snc-lavalin-debacle-wont-fly?video_autoplay=true

Yes, Mr. Murphy, pound it to them.  You forgot to mention why a much larger number of jobs in Western Canada was cavalierly chucked out the window by these enemies of Canada, who voice such concern for 9,000 jobs in Quebec.  Could it be because the entire Trudeau government was captured by the foreign-funded, foreign-influenced environmentalist traitors to Canada, who placed Butts and many others in their positions of power in that government, determined to destroy Canada's oil industry and all the jobs that it provides? Over 110,000 jobs in Western Canada alone were lost because of these people. (see Gwyn Morgan's great article entitled - 'Gwyn Morgan - Talk about ‘collusion’ - How foreign-backed anti-oil activists infiltrated Canada’s government' in the March 14, 2019, National Post.   The Liberals have piled up scandal upon scandal.  That is the only thing they do well.

The Gwyn Morgan article is at: https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/gwyn-morgan-talk-about-collusion-how-foreign-backed-anti-oil-activists-infiltrated-canadas-government

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Scandal Within Scandal - The Indigenous Grievance Racket and the SNC-Lavalin prosecution (or not)

Conrad Black has done it again with his thoroughness and his deep analysis. He has revealed that Jody Wilson-Raybould, the attorney-general that Trudeau fired because she was defying his efforts to save his buddies at SNC-Lavalin from prosecution, has a huge gang of skeletons in her personal closet, just as Trudeau's closer advisers and some of his cabinet appointments have. There is plenty of evidence to support Mr. Black's analysis, by the way.

Mr. Black describes JWR as a political agent for what he calls the 'Indigenous grievance racket' and that she was, as attorney general, working very hard to protect and further their political objectives to subvert the government and Canadian laws to give Indians a free pass forever at the expense of the rest of Canadians, all dangerous and harmful to Canada, to benefit 1.5% of the population at the expense of the other 98.5.  He reveals that she used her office at AG, supposed to be impartial and above the political fray, to ordered her officials to capitulate to Indigenous claimants in court cases during her term as AG.  In so doing she displayed a  glaring conflict of interest as the attorney for the Crown.  This was scandalous and an outrageous abuse of her office.

 She was outed about this by one of Trudeau's PMO henchmen, Michael Wernick in the aftermath of the SNC-Lavelin scandal.  The irony of this is she was put into that office by Trudeau for the most crass political reasons, cozying up to Indian politicians, when he should have known about her and their ulterior motives.  Of  course, it is likely those motives were pretty much the same as his.

Unfortunately, many ignorant Canadians support JWR's policies and are falling over themselves to endorse and force poverty and societal breakdown on the 98.5 percent of Canadians whose ancestors built this country and made it a force for good in the world. Put this together with the Liberal Party being infiltrated and taken over by the other dishonest and fraudulent groups in this society that are intent on our destruction, the foreign-funded and controlled Environmental Lobby, and we have a potent recipe for the death of Canada. It is only a surprise to ignorant fools who do not care to know or look.

Check out this article in the National Post here:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/conrad-black-snc-lavalin-is-a-sideshow-to-the-real-wilson-raybould-issue

Also see Gwynn Morgan's article on the foreign-funded successful plot to plant agents of the Environmental Lobby inside Trudeau's government here:  https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/gwyn-morgan-talk-about-collusion-how-foreign-backed-anti-oil-activists-infiltrated-canadas-government

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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Anti-Semitism is strong and getting stronger in North America

Vivian Bercovicci, a former Canadian Ambassador to Israel, has written an article published today at: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/vivian-bercovici-has-the-hatred-of-jews-become-normalized

My comment here is to second her message.  I am appalled at the strength of Anti-Semitism in Canada, the U.S., Europe and elsewhere.  I am not surprised at its virulence among the world's Muslims. I call on the Trudeau government to take some real action to deal with this problem.  No phony apologies or sugar-coated Tut-Tuts, please.

As I have said before, and in the pages of the National Post, Anti-Semitism is strong and getting stronger in North America.  If it were not so, these Islamic fascists, elected to Congress of all things, would not feel so emboldened as to scream their anti-Jewish hatreds in public and in Congress of all places.  The Democrats, who are themselves riddled with such hatreds, are only prepared to make the weakest of criticisms, as Pelosi has demonstrated, providing excuses for the racist fascism of her fellow Party colleagues.  There are plenty of instances of such anti-Semitism in both Canada and the US.  It can be found in Canada at the universities among students who hate Israel and even in main-stream churches.  Where are the howls of outrage for anti-Semitism among those who are so anxious to howl the BS accusation of 'Islamophobia' against anyone critical of proponents of special treatment for Muslims, like Sharia, or critical of the ease with which Islam has been suborned into tolerance and even outright support of Jihad, terror and murder.

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Much bigger Liberal scandal revealed in full detail by Gwyn Morgan and Vivian Krause

A new article by Gwyn Morgan in the Financial Post outlines a Canadian-American plot and scandal involving the Trudeau Liberals that is worse than the one involving alleged Russian interference in the U.S. Presidential election.

"The perpetrators who meddled in Canadian elections have publicly trumpeted their success in devising and executing their plan aimed at helping elect who they wanted."

Unseating the Harper government and the massive infiltration of environmentalist agents into positions of command and control within the Trudeau Liberal federal government is much worse than what allegedly happened in the U.S.  It was a foreign-funded plot to subvert an election and the entire federal political system. And it succeeded.

Truly, is this political interference plot and scandal different from the one being thrown at President Trump by the Democrats in the U.S.?    The perpetrators of the Canadian end of the conspiracy were so self-righteous, they had no hesitation in taking credit for what they had done.  Does it matter whether or not the Democrats under Obama may not have played a role in this?  The Democratic Party associated power brokers of the U.S. certainly played a key role, without which the plot probably would not have succeeded. This is a much bigger scandal than the puny SNC-Lavalin affair.

See the March 14th article by Gwyn Morgan at this web page:  https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/gwyn-morgan-talk-about-collusion-how-foreign-backed-anti-oil-activists-infiltrated-canadas-government

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Noirthern B.C. Indians attempt to stop LNG pipeline project with phony planted 'artifacts'

An article posted in the National post on March 11th, 2019, reporting on the alleged discovery of 'artifacts' at a location along the route where Coastal GasLink is building a natural gas pipeline which is a key part of a $40-billion LNG Canada project in northern B.C.  The BC Oil and Gas Commission investigated.  They found that the alleged 'artifacts' were on top of frozen clay soils and that “The soils upon which the artifacts were found would not typically contain any such cultural artifacts and this was likely not their original location”.

It seems the some of the Indians from Northern B.C. have learned a lot from the crooked environmentalists and the dishonest neo-marxist academics that surround them.  Transplanting archeological artifacts into a location where it would suit their political objectives is par for the course.  This is a new level of sophistication for the B.C. Indians.  They are relatively quick learners.  Our society is rapidly becoming dominated by lies, fraud and manipulation.  Woe is us.

See the article at this web page:  https://nationalpost.com/news/world/b-c-pipeline-site-not-original-location-of-indigenous-artifacts-regulator

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Expensive Consultants, expensive lawyers will be hired to spin and twist the SNC scandal

William Watson's March 13th article on the Liberals'  SNC scandal describes how the Trudeau government is and will continue to approach the scandal.    His concern is "What is this going to cost taxpayers?"  The biggest cost the government will impose on us will be hiring hordes of Liberal-friendly consultants to spin the story and pretend to re-educate the politicians and the civil service.  Watson reported that in his press conference last week, the prime minister said that to learn from the experience and do better in future he would be consulting with “outside experts.”  This will involve those costly spin-doctors, as if the overly-expensive lawyers that will also be hired weren't bad enough.  Will they be tasked with 're-educating' politicians and civil servants?

Its all BS.  No one needs consultants, training or re-education at taxpayers' expense, especially politicians.  Like the rest of us, they already know what's corrupt and what's not.  No re-training is going to make them better listeners.  Its their natural arrogance and conviction that they are always right that is the biggest part of the problem. The only training they think they really need is in better risk management - ie., how not to get caught.

See Watson's article on the web at:


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Pipelines the only safe means of tranporting petroleum. The evidence is Clear.

A new article discusses the relative dangers of spills and accidents involving the transportation of Petroleum products across Canada and the U.S.  The conclusion is clear.  Pipelines win.  Given the huge dependency of North American economies on petroleum and natural gas products for transportation of people and goods, for heating in frigid winters, for air-conditioning in hot summers,  and for other industrially produced products we all rely on, we will be in need of petroleum at reasonable prices for a long time.  The neo-Marxist left in both countries (the environmentalists, the Greens, the Liberals and NDP in Canada and the Democrats in the U.S.) is opposed to using petroleum.  Obviously they want to take us back to horse and buggy days.  For the foreseeable future there is no sane alternative, other than Nuclear Power Plants, to produce the needed electricity to replace some of the uses of petroleum, and even then the cost will be much higher than we are used to paying.

The evidence is clear.  Pipelines are substantially safer and cheaper than trains in bringing petroleum and similar products to market. If safety and cost were a factor that was important to the Trudeau Liberals we would likely have more pipelines.  The only thing important to them is the massaging of the anti-development and anti-resources environmentalist crowd they are in league with.  The economy, jobs and our well-being can go to hell.

See the article at this web-address:


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Saturday, March 09, 2019

Obama visits Canada to spread his exaggerations and misleading notions and the ignorant lapped it up

Obama visited his environmentalist poison on Albertans recently, characterized by some media lapdogs as a message of hope and optimism, and the small crowd lapped it up, even though the 'message'it was insulting to Canada and to the intelligence of Canadians.

Those Canadians, probably mostly liberal neo-Marxists (including NDP union toadies) lick-butts, ought to be ashamed of themselves, but, of course, filled with guilt and self-loathing, they are incapable of critical thought or analysis.  Watching too much CBC/CTV news can do that to you, just as watching CNN does that to Americans.  Worshiping political fools like Trudeau can too.  Obama, of course, is a bigger fraud than Trudeau, but he is a lot smarter.

See the report at:  https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/peter-foster-obama-just-wiped-his-shoes-on-the-maple-leaf-and-canadians-cheered

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Alberta Human Right Commision and its Kangaroo Courts mistep again

Although it should be a cogent fact in relation to the private school's obligations, no mention is made in this story respecting the school's general policy respecting religious prayers on the school premises. If its policy applies generally, and is applied to all religions equally, then it is not discriminating against Muslims and their religion and the Human Rights Commission should have no jurisdictional basis for even accepting the complaint.  Certainly the Charter of Rights has no application here.

Section 4 of the Alberta legislation bans DISCRIMINATION against anyone "in respect of any goods, services, accommodation or facilities that are customarily available to the public",  "because of the race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, gender identity, gender expression, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status," etc.  Any reasonable and sensible reading of section 4 does not apply to the Weber Academy as neither the complaint or any evidence showed unlawful discrimination. Only Kangaroo courts could have ruled against the school because they habitually ignore and misinterpret the law to achieve their ends.  As well, the Commission should not have accepted a complaint against the school.

See the report at:  https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/back-to-the-beginning-for-human-rights-case-over-muslim-prayer-in-private-school

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Conrad Black gets his analysis of the SNC-Lavalin Scandal mostly correct

On the general analysis of the whole sordid affair, Mr. Black, as usual, is essentially correct, but I don't agree with Mr. Black that the Prime Minister is entitled, or at any rate, should be entitled, to micro-manage prosecutorial discretion in relation to criminal charges, which could include the dismissal of the attorney-general for refusing that management.

Perhaps the attorney-general should herself have resigned from Cabinet to emphasize the significance of what was happening, but there is no good  fall-back position for the Prime Minister to keep dismissing Attorney's General until he gets what he wants.

That is where the corruption of the rule of law is to be found.  Independence for high judicial officers in the administration of justice is key to a rule of law that is not corrupted by political interference, just as judges must not be subject to such interference in their decision-making.  If that is a novel concept, than so be it.

See Mr. Black's article at:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/conrad-black-the-liberals-have-stumbled-their-way-into-a-disaster?video_autoplay=true

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anti-male sexism combined with victimization ideology

While the invisibility of the aged in a society that worships and celebrates the characteristics of  youth and vigour, and ignores the older members of society, is unfortunate, it is not something that women alone are subject to.  Most problems discussed in this article by Robert Fulford can and do apply to aged and retired men.  And it applies to men whose work-life placed them in positions of notice and observation in this society, such as business-men, professionals of one sort or another, and even achievers of note, as well as to men who were office-drones or menial workers.  Once they are out of the work-force or once they have stepped back from even voluntary involvements in charitable or public organizations, they fade into the background, literally becoming invisible.  This is just one of those facts of life that we all must live through.  Because it happens does not convert either men or women into victims.

This article is typical of feminist propaganda which, by its treating women as if they were and are special victims, deliberately ignores the same problems encountered by men.  That is sexism - but that is not an attitude which bothers feminists - just as the much more extreme problems encountered by many Muslim women across the world do not interest the radical feminists who concoct stories like this one.

I am surprised that Mr. Fulford does not recognize this.  Like Trudeau and other neo-liberals and neoMarxists who bathe in vicitimization, he seems to consider men's problems irrelevant and undeserving of consideration.

See the article at:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/robert-fulford-how-age-wrongly-makes-women-invisible

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Tuesday, March 05, 2019

SNC-Lavalin Scandal Just Gets Worse

The latest resignation of a Minister from the Trudeau Cabinet is the worst blow yet for the Liberals.  Minister of Treasury Board, Jane Philpott, released a letter saying among other things - "It is a fundamental doctrine of the rule of law that our attorney general should not be subjected to political pressure or interference regarding the exercise of her prosecutorial discretion in criminal cases. Sadly, I have lost confidence in how the government has dealt with this matter and in how it has responded to the issues raised."

This is the strongest condemnation of Trudeau and his gang yet, and, noting its source, the most devastating.  Trudeau and gang stand accused of acting contrary to the rule of law.  Ms. Philpott was blunt and direct.  How are the government's spin doctors going to spin that into something innocent?

See the article by Matt Gurney at web address: 


Will the remaining Liberal MPs rally round Trudeau and gang to support him, come hell or high water?  This remains to be seen.  It is, of course, possible, that principle may vanquish blind loyalty, and a vote of non-confidence could precipitate the fall of the government.  It may be a bit premature to predict that at this time.  Keep watching.  If it happens, it would be completely deserved.

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Monday, March 04, 2019

More thoughts on the SNC-Lavalin Scandal

Terence Corcoran, of the Financial Post has it right in his article at:


Perhaps it is the holier than thou attitude of the Trudeau Liberals and the Attorney
General in particular.  Will we ever know?  As I understand it, the crimes of SNC-Lavalin relate, not to their plying the Trudeau Liberals with mucho dinero as corrupt campaign financing, but to the bribes paid to the completely corrupt Gaddafi regime in Libya.  Almost every major corporation doing business with those creeps pays bribes.  Nothing new there.  No harm done at home in Canada.  Why cause SNC-Lavelin to fail and leave Canada?

The real problem seems to be that the Liberals are too damned high and mighty moralistically-speaking to own up to why they wanted to help resolve the case lawfully by a so-called 'remedial agreement', just as most other countries deal with such problems.  Perhaps an overly moralistic Attorney General did not get the message.  Hoist by their own petard, they were - to quote how Yoda, the Jedi would have phrased it.  Just another instance of incompetence by the Trudeau Liberals captured by their ideological purity fetish.  For this, and many other gaffes and failures, they deserve to go down.  Its like petulant children in control of the family.

This is how I imagine the NDP would handle such a problem.  They are cut from the same cloth as  JT.  The big problem, is they are puppets of the unions that finance them and their only loyalty is to the unions and not to Canada.  I wonder how it feels to be in the clutches of those corrupt forces?

The Conservatives, under Scheer, may be able to put together a more mature government, but little of that is evident so far.

The only honest party on the horizon, Maxime Bernier's Peoples Party of Canada, is the only one apparently not dominated by compromises of principle typical of today's politics.  His chances of winning the next election seem slim.  Too bad.

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Thoughts on SNC-Lavalin Scandal and The Fate of the Liberals

The SNC-Lavalin Scandal events, as they unfolded, carry a strong under-current of corruption. Perhaps Justin Trudeau had good intentions – but, as always, good intentions are not enough. A deep understanding and a strong will to do the right thing, are key to good or strong leadership. He has exhibited none of that throughout his time in office. Some people think that Trudeau is just a colourful bird-brain figure-head erected by the corrupt-to-the-bone Liberal Party, placed on his exalted perch to project his “Sunny Ways”, mouthing pleasant platitudes, with little or no substance behind them. I tend to agree with that assessment. Accepting that, he may fairly be described as an ingenue, a political light-weight, or a fool. Will the party heavy-weights dethrone him and replace him before the up-coming election? For them, there is a huge political risk in doing that. Would they choose JWR to replace him because she appears to have some integrity and strength of character?

Another comment by a friend:

Trudeau is looking very bad on this one, but Jody W-R is not innocent either. If she were completely ethical she would have resigned at the moment the political pressure on her to give SNCL a deal became unrelenting. She certainly would have resigned when she was demoted in cabinet stating publicly her reasons for doing so. Instead, she held off speaking publicly while someone fed sympathetic stories to the Globe and Mail. Each time Trudeau erected a self-serving defense, a new “speculative” story would appear demolishing that defense. Then, she made an unprecedented request to speak to the cabinet from which she had, at this time, resigned. Mysteriously, an unofficial account of that meeting that was sympathetic to J-R appeared in the next Globe and Mail. Now she announces she will continue to run for the Liberals. In the meantime, she has placed Trudeau in an untenable position. If he kicks her out of caucus, he further sinks his ship. If she remains in caucus she becomes a center of power independent from the PM. Yup, she is going for prime minister. Machiavelli could have learned something from her.

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Sunday, March 03, 2019

Gerald Butts - Economy Destroyer - Taxpayer's Worst Enemy - Super Fool

Butts proves that one man, almost by himself, can destroy or set back a province, a country or an economy, creating such havoc that it will take years to recover from it.  See Peter Shawn Taylor's article in the National Post at:


My take on this:

"What is it about some names?  They seem to define the person.  I was going to say that GB is a liberal-progressive left-wing idiot.  He moves from place to place leaving huge piles of excrement for others to pay for and clean up.  But just his name will suffice as a label of contempt.  It isn't a laughing matter. The Trudeau government may not survive his help.  The McGuilty and Wynne governments did not survive his help.  The Province of Ontario floundered and came close to bankruptcy and the taxpayers were gravely wounded.  The Canadian economy is also floundering.  Energy projects and thousands of jobs have been deeply wounded or completely lost.  A quick look at the disasters the Liberals have heaped on Canada (and are still committed to making much worse) makes anything the Harper Conservatives did look positively angelic and golden, despite a few negative things of much less consequence to Canada's welfare. The Liberals are positively demonic in their drive to kill the Canadian economy."

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Liberal Corruption - Corporatism (fascism) - Contempt for Rule of Law

William Watson's article in the Natiopn Post - William Watson - Scandals like SNC-Lavalin happen by letting unqualified politicians 'champion' businesses - is a must read.  The article is found at:


What's missing from his article is the following:

"The only thing Mr. Watson left out of this otherwise excellent article is the fact that the Trudeau government snuck through Parliament a special piece of legislation (Bill C-74 - (Royal Assent)
June 21, 2018) amending the Criminal Code to create a special provision to relieve their friends, the big 'national-champion corporations of the consequences of economic offences they have committed  while doing business. Trudeau's sneaky Omnibus bill of hundreds of pages of the most obscure and turgid statutory garbage was extremely difficult to find, even after an hour's work, and only if one persisted because they knew it was there, somewhere.

The bureauc-rat's summary was - "Division 20 of Part 6 amends the Criminal Code to establish a remediation agreement regime. Under this regime, the prosecutor may negotiate a remediation agreement with an organization that is alleged to have committed an offence of an economic character referred to in the schedule to Part XXII.‍1 of that Act and the proceedings related to that offence are stayed if the organization complies with the terms of the agreement." 

What this means is that a special deal could be reached with the government saving their corporate friend's asses from the results of a full, public prosecution. 

No matter what SNC-Lavelin did, it was a lot less horrible or corrupting to Canada than this legislation.  This is an example, as any honest political scientist or economist would tell you, of fascism - which, aside from the abberation of the crazy murdering gangs of thugs (Hitler and his National Socialists) we normally think of as at the true heart and soul of fascism, it is the state in league with its big corporate friends.  This is Corporatism, a key component of fascism.  Of course, the population, our hapless voters, had no clue what Trudeau was up to, nor did the gang of incompetent and feckless journalists who are supposed to report on stuff like this to justify their existence.  This is the real crime revealed by the super-scandal of the Trudeau government."

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