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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The hostility and indifference of the Canadian Left to the sufferring of Venezuelans

See the story as the web address:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/np-view-hes-shooting-starving-venezuelans-yet-somehow-canadian-socialists-still-support-maduro.

Within the last few days, the starvation and deprivation of Venezuelans caused by Marxist ideological policies  of the Chavez-Maduro gang of murderers, has led to the government shooting people trying to obtain food and other similar aid offered to them by sympathetic neighbors.  What is the response of the Canadian Marxist/Socialist Left to this? It is to do nothing but offer support to the murderers.

Knowing and understanding the NDP and the left-wing in Canada I do not find this surprising in the least.  The Canadian Left is like the International Marxist Left in their stubborn support for anti-capitalist political regimes as long as they espouse socialist political ideology.  Well do I remember the Canadian Communists who supported and still revere possibly the world's worst authoritarian dictator and mass murderer, Josef Stalin, even many years after his genocidal murders of several hundred millions of his fellow countrymen for such things as being Ukrainian, or not being sufficiently and blindly supportive of the Communist Party, or merely because in his paranoia he believed so many people to be enemies and traitors because they were non-violent political opponents.  The mess made of a good idea, Canadian Medicare, by the left-wing (including many influential Liberals),  where it has become a political crime to try to deliver medical care to needy people alongside or outside of the bureaucratically run Medicare system is a result of caring less about people and their suffering than about socialist political ideology.  The same problem surrounds the NDP's blind support for and kowtowing to vastly overpaid and dictatorial Union Bureaucrats at the expense of ordinary union members and the Canadian public. 

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Thursday, February 21, 2019

Rex Murphy muses about the abrupt resignation of Gerald Butts as PM J. Trudeau's Principal Adviser

The resignation was an extra-ordinary event. 

Given that Trudeau is an extreme lightweight as a politician and Prime Minister, without his old friend and Principal Adviser to help him, I suspect he may end up floundering around much more than usual.

Does the resignation portend more problems we are unaware of?  Who knows?  We'll just have to wait and see.  Perhaps Trudeau has been cursed by the Chinese with their best curse - 'May you live in interesting times".

See this web address for Rex's article:


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

We are surrounded by socialist lunatics - Britain, Canada and the US

The outlook for sanity in politics and our culture is not very bright at the moment.  Examine the situations in  Canada, Britain and the US.

See this web page article, which I heartily support:


My extended comment on this article is here:

Great article.  Thanks Mr. Glavin.  And so many Canadians think that Trump is a crazy asshole.  He is a problem, but not anything like what is happening in Britain.  At least he has helped revitalize the US economy and job prospects.

In Britain, Corbyn is a fascist left-winger, as most rabid left-wingers are. He is even crazier than Trudeau in Canada and Sanders in the US.  What a complete disaster if the Conservatives  were defeated by the anti-semites and crazies of the Labour Party.  At least the Conservatives are not fascist lunatics.  The Conservatives, however, are pretty incompetent.

The Labour fascists remind me of Trudeau in that he and his lefty-liberal cohorts are a walking, talking disaster for Canada. Maybe they can be replaced. But Britain, as you indicate, is a worse disaster. Canada is not far behind.  Where will we find an acceptable replacement?  Not the Conservatives under Schneer.  Not the NDSpree and their socialist lunatics.

The only bright light on the horizon is Maxime Bernier and the People's Party.  His chances at the next election are not impressive.  It will take a long haul and a lot more suffering.

Law SocietyThought Police attack Ontario Lawyers

Here is a good and well thought out article by two Ontario lawyers of note describing the wrong-headed undemocratic and anti-freedom of thought politically correct  policies of the Law Society of Ontario.  These policies are clearly in breach of Canada's Constitution by offending against Section 2 rights in the Charter of Right and Freedoms, part of Canada's Constitution.

See article at web page:  https://quillette.com/2019/02/11/how-social-justice-ideologues-hijacked-a-legal-regulator/

Also see article from the National Post's Marni Soupcoff at web page:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/marni-soupcoff-ontarios-racialized-law-debate-is-based-on-bad-research
11:12 AM EST

My two short comment on this are:

Re: the Quillette article:

"This story reveals the fascist thought and opinion control that is happening within the legal environment today.  It not only affects practising lawyers and their firms, but it extends to training judges to be advocates for Social Justice ideas and causes while hearing and deciding cases in Canada.  This is forcing judges to be political activists and advocates, which is contrary to any democratic idea of justice.  I am certain that the same kind of thought control, with punishments and penalties for those who resist, was exercised by the German socialists under the Hitler regime.

Law Societies are given statutory regulatory powers over lawyers by governments, which makes them agents of the state.  This Social Justice ideology of today's law societies is a misuse of the power they gain from the state.  In that sense, they are in breach of the provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, especially as provided for in Section 2.  I applaud and support the legal actions being taken by Mr. Klippenstein and his associates against the Law Society of Ontario."

Additionally, in my personal experience, knowing that the increasingly socialistic, politically correct meddling of Law Societies in the lives and livelihood of good, honest, hard-working lawyers would only continue to get more intrusive and undesirable, I resigned from my own law society at the earliest possible date, so that I would not have to answer to them for anything I did that their thought police disapproved of."

Re: the Soupcoff article:

"So, Marni, what's new here anymore?  The activist warriors infesting the absurdly named - LSO’s Working Group on Challenges Faced by Racialized Licensees and the LSO’s Equity Initiative Department - have a clear agenda to promote a strongly biased result consistent with their prejudiced views.  That is the norm today both on and off campus, with radicalized (left-wing ideologically driven) warriors using the guise of honest, independent researchers to 'cook the books', as it were, to achieve the results their agendas want.  It is also the approach constantly taken by politicians and their bureaucratic hacks with Liberal, NDP and other 'progressive' ideologies.  If you have the stomach to listen to the left-wing mouthpieces, CBC or CTV, you can hear the results of this polluting the ether every day.  Let's see now - they have perverted the campuses, most of academe, most research, the lawyers and the judges.  Where can you get honest, unbiased 'justice' any more?  All we get now are trained brains sodden with lies and ideologically formulated garbage."

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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The real Crime of the SNC-Lavelin-Trudeau government scandal

Forget the Quebec government's whining, forget the relatively minor, but real allegations and accusation of scandal you see in the media.  This is the real story.

See this web page first:


Then read my comment:

The only thing Mr. Watson left out of his otherwise excellent article is the fact that the Trudeau government snuck through Parliament a special piece of legislation (Bill C-74 - (Royal Assent)
June 21, 2018) amending the Criminal Code to create a special provision to relieve their friends, the big 'national-champion corporations' of the consequences of economic offences they have committed  while doing business. Trudeau's sneaky Omnibus bill of hundreds of pages of the most obscure and turgid statutory garbage was extremely difficult to sift through, even after an hour's work, and only if one persisted because he knew it was there, somewhere.

The bureauc-rat's summary was - "Division 20 of Part 6 amends the Criminal Code to establish a remediation agreement regime. Under this regime, the prosecutor may negotiate a remediation agreement with an organization that is alleged to have committed an offence of an economic character referred to in the schedule to Part XXII.‍1 of that Act and the proceedings related to that offence are stayed if the organization complies with the terms of the agreement." 

What this means is that a special deal could be reached with the government saving their corporate friend's asses from the results of a full, public prosecution. 

No matter what SNC-Lavelin did, it was a lot less horrible or corrupting to Canada than this legislation. 

This is an example, as any honest political scientist or economist would tell you, of FASCISM - which, aside from the aberration of the crazy murdering gangs of thugs (Hitler and his National Socialists) we normally think of, is at the true heart and soul of fascism. Of course, the population, our hapless voters, had no clue what Trudeau was up to, nor did the gang of incompetent and feckless journalists who are supposed to report on stuff like this to justify their existence.  This is the real crime revealed by the super-scandal of the Trudeau government.

'Everything's fine,' says Gerald Butts, as flames engulf the Canadian Prime Minister's Office

The title is the heading line of an article by John Robson concerning the biggest scandal so far plaguing the Canadian Trudeau government.  Gerald Butts is Justin Trudeau Chief Advisor and close friend.   By the way, Gerald Butts resigned his position on February 18th, 2019, after having spoken the words in the title at an earlier date.

Here is the web address of the article:


My comment:

Saving SNC-Lavalin ( a large corporation from Quebec, employer of thousands and big contributor to the Trudeau Liberal party) under the provisions of the new 'remediation agreement' law specially created in 2018 to benefit large corporate friends of the government may or may not be a good thing.  Some prominent people think it is a good thing (see the statements of the Premier of Quebec on the subject).

It was up to the Justice Minister/Attorney-General, under the new law, to consent , or not, to a 'remediation agreement' solution, which would end a possible prosecution of SNC-Lavalin for an alleged offence or offences being investigated.   The prosecutors could have, with the Attorney-General's consent, decided to negotiate with the corporation to achieve a settlement of any prosecution instead of going to trial. 

If a consent was sought, did the Justice Minister/Attorney-General ask for some input from the Prime Minister's Office on such a decision?  Did she get some advice from the PMO?  Is this scandal  all a big hullabaloo over nothing important?  By the way,  many legal experts don't agree it is unimportant.  Despite the hurricane of words from the PMO and other politicians,  none of these questions have been satisfactorily answered or dealt with by the PMO.

What this shows, however, is that,  once again the utter and complete incompetence of the Trudeau regime has become apparent.

Yes, Some Canadians, especially Liberal hacks and supporters, come hell or high water, will probably rally behind the Prime Minister.  My guess is that the majority of aware and concerned voters won't.  Which party is likely to be the beneficiary of this mess?  I suspect it is the Conservatives.

By the way, Gerald Butts resigned his position on February 18th, 2019, after having spoken the words in the title earlier.  The scandal gets worse and worse.


Resignation of Justin Trudeau’s closest and most important adviser reveals allegations of political corruption may have some strong basis

As the headline of an article by said by a noted political pundit, Kelly McPartland, 'If no one did anything wrong, why two resignations and a PMO in crisis mode?'

See web address of article:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/kelly-mcparland-if-no-one-did-anything-wrong-why-two-resignations-and-a-pmo-in-crisis-mode

My short comment:

There are 3 words to describe the Trudeau Regime's perpetual bumbling and bungling - incompetence, incompetence, and incompetence.  And this is mostly a result of identity politics, left-wing dogmatism, and the usual Liberal arrogance - a deadly combination.  The voters wanted a change from Harper, no matter the cost.  They sure got it.


P.E.I. Court of Appeal indulges in discriminatory 'justice' based on specious reasoning

As the title says, Canada's courts have indulged again in discriminatory sentencing treating one a member of one ethnic class more leniently that others, based solely on ideologically, politically correct, identity politics.  See this web address:


My full comment follows:

To any serious jurist concerned about non-discriminatory justice, this Court of Appeal decision, and the Supreme Court of  Canada's Gladue case decision, are travesties of justice.  Unfortunately, the liberal political correctness and  identity politics adopted by many of Canada's courts and judges often rules in harmful ways.  The actual sentence by the trial judge was reasonable.  And the reasoning of the C of A was specious, at best. The proof of part of that specious reasoning lies in the nonsensical claim that Indians are "over-represented" in prison.  How can that be true if they did the crime, were fairly and properly prosecuted, and the guilty decision or plea was fairly done in a non-discriminatory manner?  To do what the politically correct courts do is to apply political principles and ideology to sentencing decisions.  That is not justice - it is not even-handed and is discriminatory against other persons sentenced in the system.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Identity Politics as practised by the Trudeau Liberals is Fraying around the edges or worse

Chris Selley's recent article on this subject relating to the drama surrounding the Indian former Justice Minister in the federal Liberal cabinet raises issues illustrating the dangers of identity politics for both the public, the players and, of course, the Trudeau government in Canada.

See the article at this web page:


My comment on the article follows:

Interesting takes from the gossip front.  Out here in the west, its amusing to watch the fraying and disintegration of identity politics practised by the Trudeau Liberals.  Of course, constantly posing, ignoring substance, celebrating identities instead of merit, character and valid ideas, is destructive and harmful.  But I am getting sick of pundits or phony-pundits who throw around the phrase "wildly disproportionate number of Indigenous defendants and prisoners".   That is identity politics itself.  Jody W-R's father deliberately calls himself an Indian, (instead of the more phony names for Indians, such as the "I am a first nation" term). Indians who did the crimes and are charged or convicted of crimes should be where the courts put them, as happens to ordinary non-Indian offenders.  The problems, as always, are so much more complex than such a stupid phrase can convey, and is as much the fault of Indians as it is of governments and the myriad of phony, greedy academics and bureaucrats feeding like vampires off the problems that are never solved.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Conrad Black glosses over some aspects of the SNC-Lavelin scandal

See the webpage at: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/conrad-black-the-snc-lavalin-affair-is-overblown-but-the-liberals-still-bungled-it

My Comment:

I don't like disagreeing with Mr. Black, because he is usually right and his analysis is astute, as some of his comments are here, but I take exception to his characterizing this issue as if it resembled merely a plea-bargaining measure, similar to the prosecution and court, reducing the usual sentence, or being lenient with ordinary persons accused of criminal offences, because they saved the state money by pleading guilty and admitting their guilt and owning up to their bad behaviour, or  other benefits to the state. 

However, that is not the case with granting such favours or leniency to a giant corporation that makes and has made huge contributions to the political party in power.  The stink of that overweighs other considerations.

And to say that "if there was wrong-doing, it was by executives, not by the company itself, and the executives can be prosecuted and replaced, and the company drives on" is too cute, especially when the executives are the brain of the corporate entity (except, of course for the contributions of the board of directors) and in a criminal sense, are the corporation. 

The executives and the corporation, as a corporate person, are all guilty when the corporation has been involved in a criminal offence directed by the executive.  On the issue of a Canadian corporation using bribery to gain business in a foreign jurisdiction built on corruption, criminality and bribery, that is a different matter and could be resolved as Mr. Black describes. 

The legislation could have honestly made that an exception to Canada's law, but it did not.  The Liberals could have snuck that through Parliament as they did the rest of the amendment.

Canada has descended into fascism, showing many signs of being a fascist state

Fascism rears its ugly head in Canada by virtue of the SNC-lavalin affair and the Trudeau government's having created an amendment to the Criminal Code to allow them to bargain and make cozy deals with corporate giants.

See this web address: https://duckduckgo.com/l/?kh=-1&uddg=https%3A%2F%2Fnationalpost.com%2Fnews%2Fpolitics%2Fquebec-premier-wants-ottawa-to-settle-with-snc-lavalin-so-firm-avoids-trial

My Comment:

This isn't 'justice', it isn't just favouritism or cronyism, its fascism.  One of the key components of a fascist state is a symbiotic partnership between government and large, rich, influential corporations.  That was the case in Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy, Franco's Spain and pretty much any other fascistic state in recent history.  Not only have Canadian and American governments been playing cosy with large corporations, but they bail them out with huge payments financed by hapless taxpayers, but now Trudeau, who claims he is a democrat, has amended the law, sneaking his fascist amendments into the criminal code in an omnibus bill to avoid scrutiny and debate, to allow the government to bargain over criminal charges with big corporations. This puts Canada well down the road to being a fascist state.  Combine that with handing obstructionist powers to environmental lobbyist interests on development projects vital to the economic and job well-being of Canadians, giving them power to hamstring those projects, as well as by attacking the jurisdiction of the Provinces to run their own affairs as they are entitled to under our Constitution, the Liberals have pretty much destroyed democracy in Canada.  Electing MPs no longer matters, as they have no real power to represent their constituents and are just puppets of the state.  Of course, the position of the Quebec cackle government just underlines that.  Quebec has long been and still is infamous for its government and corporate corruption.  Nothing new here.

The biggest, craziest hypocrisy of the ‘green’ movement

The biggest, craziest hypocrisy of the ‘green’ movement


The climate alarmist dogmatist gang of crazies are not just hypocrites - the are stark raving bonkers.  The evidence has been piling up for years.  See Lawrence Solomon's article in this publication - Lawrence Solomon - The unspoken danger of CO2 - It makes people go absolutely nutty.

Also see the article: 'The old rules no longer apply' - Climate scientists envision mild winters all over Canada by 2080.

For another example of mass insanity on the part of supposedly sane scientists.

For another one see: Peter Foster - Climate activists cheer corporate ‘carbon disclosures’ — and regular investors get burned.

Here is another: Genocide of Native Americans by European settlers was cause of Little Ice Age.

Or yet another: Instead of clubbing them with carbon taxes, Ottawa might try co-operating with provinces.

Another one: Canada imports more emissions than exports, so why are we the ones paying carbon taxes.

Or this one: Opinion - We're responsible for only 1.6 per cent of global emissions. It's time to let the rest of the world and their 98.4 per cent of emissions catch up. 

Had enough yet?

Fascism Doing its jolly work in 2019 - UK passes law making it a criminal offence to even look at a website that may advocate terrorist acts

The Register website: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/02/13/uk_counter_terror_act_royal_assent/

Fascism Doing its jolly work in 2019 - UK passes law making it a criminal offence to even look at a website that may advocate terrorist acts.

This comment was posted to a UK website called The Register:

The UK is rapidly becoming the incarnation of NAZI Germany. You've got CCT cameras everywhere spying on your citizens, you have no constitutional protections against the government depriving you of due process and democratic freedoms, and you have laws like this one the GESTAPO would have been happy to have at their beck and call. At least you don't have fascist laws like "Its a crime to slander the state" like most of the rest of Europe does, or am I wrong about that?.

Its no wonder that the world's first fascist states were established in Europe. Welcome to the New Fascism. Your authoritarian governments are trying to qualify for that label, and doing well at it. The rest of the so-called democracies are not far behind you.

The US and the mis-named Democrats were a keen exporter of fascist ideas including Eugenics, adopted by such left-wing luminaries as George Bernard Shaw, all welcomed and adopted by Mussolini and Hitler in the run up to their seizing power. Eugenics was partly the underpinning of the establishment of the concentration camps where millions were murdered. There is nowhere to go anymore. Good luck to us all.

More Climate Insanity From Scientists Driven Loonie by Climate Fears

The loonies are at it again.  They, including way too many scientists, have been driven insane by the climate alarmist dogmatists - the new religion.  The false news media is full of idiotic predictions from them.  The best - actually the most insane - of them is “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change”.  Another false new article, based on speculation that European incursions into the Americas since 1492 have killed off so many Indians that the land has gone back to nature and has been consuming carbon dioxide at an accelerating rate that caused the mini-ice-age of the period between 1300 and 1850. Attributing climate change to Columbus on surmise based on speculation would in normal times be sensibly dismissed as the ravings of cranks. When the inmates run the asylum, and whispers of “climate” explain everything, no fantasy need withstand serious scrutiny.

The climate alarmist fool, Al Gore, provides more craziness.  His 2006 film, An Inconvenient Truth, warned of devastation from rising sea levels — animations showed Manhattan under water, along with San Francisco, Beijing, Shanghai, the Netherlands and much of Florida. Time and time again Gore predicted the melting of the polar caps, in 2008 announcing that “The entire North polar ice cap may well be completely gone in 5 years.” That never happened; today there is more sea ice in the Arctic than in recent years at this time.

The loony psychologists got into the game, too.  The American Psychological Association speculates that climate change could be causing “higher levels of suicide, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, violence, aggression, interpersonal difficulties, and job-related difficulties” along with “loss of personal and professional identity, loss of social support structures, loss of a sense of control and autonomy and other mental health impacts such as feelings of helplessness, fear and fatalism.”

 For the last 30 years, UN-approved climate scientists have likewise been predicting doom, over and over, and always with the same results.

'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.' "In line with this quote, attributed to Einstein, today’s climate-doomster scientists should be declared certifiably insane, and also culpable for driving so many others crazy. The only scientists who may be onto something are the psychologists", but only if you realize that the false fears of climate change caused by humans are the culprit they are really talking about.  Thanks to Lawrence Solomon for  quotes taken from his article - "The unspoken danger of CO2 - It makes people go absolutely nutty".

Making such precise predictions going into the future by over 60 years, is a huge reveal that whoever came up with the predictions in this article has lost his or their marbles.  Despite the fact the psychologists did not intend to apply their speculations to said scientists, what they are saying fits perfectly well.

See: https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/lawrence-solomon-the-unspoken-danger-of-co2-it-makes-people-go-absolutely-nutty

The article I am panning is published by the National Post at: https://nationalpost.com/news/world/the-old-rules-no-longer-apply-climate-scientists-envision-mild-winters-all-over-canada-by-2080

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

New information and analysis about the SNC-Lavelin and Trudeau government scandal just keeps piling up

As the title says, the information keeps piling up, about the latest major scandal involving the Trudeau government.  Terry Glavin's article just adds more fuel to the fire.  Could this result in curtains for the Trudeau government?

See the web address for this article at:


My comment follows:

Thanks for this article, Mr. Glavin.  This record of corruption is staggering, but I fear that it is just normal business for the big boys.  Of course, it seems the Trudeau Liberals understand all that, being the beneficiary of huge gifts of money from SNC-Lavalin.  The ploy of getting employees to make contributions, then re-imbursing them out of corporate treasuries is a common practice in Canada.  This has been done in Saskatchewan too, although you can bet the ideologically liberal media did nothing to out the practise.  The ploy also makes the employees into fraudsters, because you can bet that they claimed the donations against their income taxes.  I wish I could get the Liberal government to make changes to laws I don't like.  I guess my money-power is too small to matter.

Trudeau Facing Most Serious Scandal Of His Short Careet - SNC-Lavelin Corruption case

This case just gets worse and worse as both allegastions and facts keep piling up.  The best article so are is that by Lawyer Howard Levitt in the February 13th National Post.  Here is the web address:


My comment:

The well reasoned argument by Mr. Levitt would influence me to hire him if I needed his services. This behaviour by the Trudeau government should be taken up and acted upon by the court of public opinion.  The response of the Quebec punditocracy to this issue, reveals, however, that crass self-interest can over-rule law and order, where the rest of the populace either ignores the matter, or just doesn't give a damn. I hope that this affair gets the attention from the populace it, and Canada, deserve.  Combine this affair with the disgraceful prosecution of Vice-Admiral Mark Norman and you can see how much concern the Trudeau government has for due process and justice.

Saskatchewan Fighting Against Federal Socialist Government and Carbon Tax Imposition

The Saskatchewan government, supported by other provincial governments, in a big court fight against an unconstitutional attempt by Canada's federal Liberal Socialist government to take away its constitutional jurisdiction and force the collection of Carbon Taxes. Not only are Liberal fascists using improper means to force their power over Canadian provinces, but they are completely misguided about Climate issues that are not of human making or doing.  The Trudeau regime is part of the great conspiracy of dogmatic alarmist lunatics trying to destroy Canada for no valid reason.

See Premier Moe's article in the National Post at:


My comment on this is:

When was the last time the union-hack puppets of the NDP came up with anything valuable to this province?  Yes, one can look at 1960 and prior to that - nearly 60 years ago - when it was the CCF, not the union-hacks, that that had laid all the ground work for Medicare, and before that had introduced Hospitalization as a tax supported program.  Since then all they have done is the bidding of the unions.  Why do you think the Conservatives have defeated them and been the government in Saskatchewan for so many years?  Yet these traitors to Saskatchewan have sided with the equally left-wing dogmatist Liberal Party to attack Saskatchewan people in foisting corrupt unions on us and fallen in love with Liberal Carbon Tax measures.  Not only that, but they and the Liberals are responsible for the mess Medicare has become (all across Canada), with interminable waits and the suffering and deaths that brings with it, and excessive costs that have made a mockery of Medicare.  I hope that the ideologically liberal courts do not rely on their political prejudices to give the Liberals carte blanche to override provincial jurisdictions.

The Green New Deal - a recipe for extinction

No doubt at least some Americans have heard of the Green New Deal. The sane ones will have already understood what it is.  But they can't help but be both amused and appalled by Rex Murphy's take on it and its insane priestess.

Here is the web address for the article:


My puny comment on this is:

Brilliant, Rex.  You nailed it.  The doom the idiots of the Green New Deal are speaking of is THEM.  Its like the Pogo comic strip character's saying, in the days of yore - my youth - "We have met the enemy and he is us".  How prophetic.

Monday, February 04, 2019

The Economist has revealed itself as a "fake news" outlet, just like the Communist UK Guardian

Fake news and fake analysis abound in today's fake news media, given as they are to ignore inconvenient facts and evidence in the service of spreading lies and misinformation that suit their Neo-Marxist and Post-Modernist Identity Politics ideological predilections.

See the article at this address:  https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/the-british-press-arrives-in-albertas-oilsands-armed-with-ignorance-and-fake-news

I posted this comment to the article:

"It looks like The Economist is first and foremost part of the "fake news" press so common today, and is infested with writers and editors with a neo-Marxist Post-Modernist agenda (no better than the UK Guardian, an avowedly Communist media outlet), like so much of the U.S. and Canadian media, which act as mouthpieces for ideological anti free enterprise left-wingers instead of behaving as real news reporters and news analysts. Their fake news and fake analysis suits the Canadian Liberal Party and Federal Government and the environmental pirates attacking Canada's resource industries for their own reasons and objectives."

Sunday, February 03, 2019


A useful and accurate article by a retired senior Canadian Diplomat and Foreign Affairs  Officer with 5 China Assignments  in China, Hong Kong and Ottawa, has placed the blame for the mess resulting in the firing of  Ambassador McCallum squarely on the Canadian government, with  blame extending to Justin Trudeau's policies.

Paste the following address into your browser and read it:


The mis-handling of the HuaWei affair shows that the bungling continues.

Trudeau, the buffoon, is the worst and dumbest Prime Minister Canada has had in over 70 years

Trudeau, the buffoon, is the worst and dumbest Prime Minister Canada has had in over 70 years, even eclipsing his dilettantish, arrogant and Communist-leaning father, Pierre.  He is a poster boy for Neo-Marxist Politically Correct Post-Modernist fools who are intent on destroying Canada's economy, jobs and well-being.  See McParland's article at:


(just paste this address into your browser to read the article)

which provides a recent take on Trudeau's clownish bumbling and posing to the detriment of his government and Canada.  Not mentioned in the article is that he is surrounded in his Cabinet and his party with equally ineffectual, ignorant and idiotic politicians who are just as bad as he is.  See the following The Rebel's take on that.

See this article, as well:


Instead of working with the provinces to solve real problems through compromise and co-operation, he is attacking them and driving away.

Jordan Peterson - It’s ideology vs science in psychology’s war on boys and men

Jordan Peterson - Dr. of Psychology, Professor of Psychology,  International Celebrity and champion of the ongoing struggle against Political Correctness against Neo-Marxist Identity Politics  and Post-Modernist attacks on commonsense and society, posted his latest Op-Ed article a few days ago at


Just paste the above address in your browser to read his article.

His latest book, entitled "12 Rules For Life - An Antidote For Chaos" has been a best seller in countless countries around the world.

Ordinarily I would comment on it, but I could not add anything useful.  Just read it.

An example of Academics Gone Insane About The Little Ice Age and Indigenous People

The article about this appeared in the National Post recently and can be read at this address:


Paste this into your browser and read it.

My comment on the article is as follows:

I never cease to be amazed by the moronic theories spewing out of the academic cesspools. Estimates of indigenous populations by many different sources in and prior to the 15th century, when European activities began in the Americas, vary widely due to scant evidence to support estimates.  That has not changed.  Yet here we have some academics concocting a web of nonsense based on their chosen estimates.  It seems we've seen this kind of pseudo-science somewhere before practised by the same kind of psuedo-scientists.  Without draft animals, horses or oxen, which were brought to North America by European settlers well after the 15th century, the level or extent of land clearing and of farming prior to the 15th century cannot be compared to European agricultural development.  Only small populations could be supported by indigenous agriculture at the time.  The climate changes during the Little Ice Age were most likely due to cooling caused by a series of large volcanic eruptions, a decline in solar activity, and other galactic patterns involving the movement of the solar system with its galaxy.

The Definition of Dogma

Here is another article by Jonah Goldberg of the National Review called - The Definition of Dogma - By Jonah Goldberg

Go to this address in your web browser.

Once again, you mayi be enlightened by his take on the meaning and value of Dogma, as long as it is dogma you know is dogma, and have enough common sense to understand that.  Most people spout dogma, especially Neo-Marxist Identity Politics Post-Modernists, but think it is just their own brilliantly perceived truth, when, in reality it is just opinion about what they believe because they want to believe it to be truth.

Feelings Versus Fact

Read an interesting article by Jonah Goldberg, an editor of the National Review Magazine:


Type or paste that address into your browser to read the article.

He highlights the major disease infecting faux-liberals and obfuscating the real meaning of 'truth' - in reality neo-Marxist, Post--Modernists.  You can look that up too.

Smell the poitical rot all around you!

Hello, to my numerous fans and followers.  I am back from the long vacation I took.  Sailed around the world twice by myself.  At least in my imagination. 

The disintegration of our societies is accelerating. It has become worse and worse in just a few years.  The US, Canada, UK, elsewhere, has continued to collapse into varying levels of chaos and despair.  It is so bad that my favourite author, Jonah Goldberg, has written a book where the title describes what I see around me - "Suicide of the West - How the rebirth of tribalism, populism, nationalism, and identity politics is destroying American Democracy". His premises are true for not just the U.S. and Canada, but the entire Western World.  Europe is on the downhill path towards being taken over by Islam and its fascist theocratic politics and religion.  The Democrats in the U.S., the Liberal-NDP/Labour forces in Canada, and the left-wing forces in the U.K., are also becoming more and more authoritarian and fascist-minded, and are leading the charge into chaos, despair and oblivion.  The same is true in varying degrees in all the world societies created by Britain in the last several centuries.  What a cheery note.

Look around you.  The U.S. is hampered by over-whelming debt, violence and open, virulent hatreds.  Canada is governed and our economy and jobs are being destroyed by the policies of the worst gang of fools in my lifetime of more that 7 decades.  The Christian religion is under attack, along with family and humanistic values that grew out of it over many centuries of evolution. Those facts and events are only skimming the top of the cesspool we are mired in.  Men and maleness are under unrelenting attack by vengeful feminist ideology which has taken over the education system and has turned on defenceless male school chilren, attempting to change them into females and feminists.  The toll of destroyed male lives is rapidly growing.  Scientists have noted that testosterone levels among men are steadily falling.  The courts, dominated by appointees loyal to the state under the control of the neo-Marxist post modernists, are complicit in this process. It is no wonder why suicide rates are rapidly rising among males.

Older, almost ancient, humane values, of respect and consideration for others, are under attack by the friends of chaos and enemies of humanity, led by those who know no truths, except their own desires and ideologically driven beliefs paraded as truths, led by their priesthood of left-wing academics who infest and dominate the universities and colleges of our countries.  Wake up and smell the rot.