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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Friday, February 15, 2019

More Climate Insanity From Scientists Driven Loonie by Climate Fears

The loonies are at it again.  They, including way too many scientists, have been driven insane by the climate alarmist dogmatists - the new religion.  The false news media is full of idiotic predictions from them.  The best - actually the most insane - of them is “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change”.  Another false new article, based on speculation that European incursions into the Americas since 1492 have killed off so many Indians that the land has gone back to nature and has been consuming carbon dioxide at an accelerating rate that caused the mini-ice-age of the period between 1300 and 1850. Attributing climate change to Columbus on surmise based on speculation would in normal times be sensibly dismissed as the ravings of cranks. When the inmates run the asylum, and whispers of “climate” explain everything, no fantasy need withstand serious scrutiny.

The climate alarmist fool, Al Gore, provides more craziness.  His 2006 film, An Inconvenient Truth, warned of devastation from rising sea levels — animations showed Manhattan under water, along with San Francisco, Beijing, Shanghai, the Netherlands and much of Florida. Time and time again Gore predicted the melting of the polar caps, in 2008 announcing that “The entire North polar ice cap may well be completely gone in 5 years.” That never happened; today there is more sea ice in the Arctic than in recent years at this time.

The loony psychologists got into the game, too.  The American Psychological Association speculates that climate change could be causing “higher levels of suicide, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, violence, aggression, interpersonal difficulties, and job-related difficulties” along with “loss of personal and professional identity, loss of social support structures, loss of a sense of control and autonomy and other mental health impacts such as feelings of helplessness, fear and fatalism.”

 For the last 30 years, UN-approved climate scientists have likewise been predicting doom, over and over, and always with the same results.

'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.' "In line with this quote, attributed to Einstein, today’s climate-doomster scientists should be declared certifiably insane, and also culpable for driving so many others crazy. The only scientists who may be onto something are the psychologists", but only if you realize that the false fears of climate change caused by humans are the culprit they are really talking about.  Thanks to Lawrence Solomon for  quotes taken from his article - "The unspoken danger of CO2 - It makes people go absolutely nutty".

Making such precise predictions going into the future by over 60 years, is a huge reveal that whoever came up with the predictions in this article has lost his or their marbles.  Despite the fact the psychologists did not intend to apply their speculations to said scientists, what they are saying fits perfectly well.

See: https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/lawrence-solomon-the-unspoken-danger-of-co2-it-makes-people-go-absolutely-nutty

The article I am panning is published by the National Post at: https://nationalpost.com/news/world/the-old-rules-no-longer-apply-climate-scientists-envision-mild-winters-all-over-canada-by-2080


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