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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Sunday, February 03, 2019

An example of Academics Gone Insane About The Little Ice Age and Indigenous People

The article about this appeared in the National Post recently and can be read at this address:


Paste this into your browser and read it.

My comment on the article is as follows:

I never cease to be amazed by the moronic theories spewing out of the academic cesspools. Estimates of indigenous populations by many different sources in and prior to the 15th century, when European activities began in the Americas, vary widely due to scant evidence to support estimates.  That has not changed.  Yet here we have some academics concocting a web of nonsense based on their chosen estimates.  It seems we've seen this kind of pseudo-science somewhere before practised by the same kind of psuedo-scientists.  Without draft animals, horses or oxen, which were brought to North America by European settlers well after the 15th century, the level or extent of land clearing and of farming prior to the 15th century cannot be compared to European agricultural development.  Only small populations could be supported by indigenous agriculture at the time.  The climate changes during the Little Ice Age were most likely due to cooling caused by a series of large volcanic eruptions, a decline in solar activity, and other galactic patterns involving the movement of the solar system with its galaxy.


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