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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Back again.  Getting too long in the tooth to bother, but had a bone to pick, so here goes:

Femi-nazis, Femi-fools, whatever you want to call them, having been getting my dander rising.

I have daughters too old to be such fools, but they still have the femi-sticks up their asses (must be their nearly-deceased mother's influence [or worse] at work, so this still matters to me.

These nitwits are so crazed about how evil Caucasian men as a gender are that they care nothing about the evils perpetrated on Muslim women across the globe by the anti-human and anti-women philosophy of Islam.

The latest thing I have noticed [ I ignore as much of this as I can until I can ignore no longer], is that when the very few women, such as Christina Hoff Sommers, Aayan Hirsi Ali, Barbara Kay, or other women who have not drunken the cool-aid of  male hatred, and who can see through the blood-haze created by the gender-nazis, are viciously attacked by the femi-nazi hordes.  The attacks use ad hominem 'arguments', outright lies, and other slanders to belittle their opponents. Their attacks seem based on a contemptuous self-righteousness that admits of no counter-argument or idea.  In this way they differ little from religious fanatics of the Christian or Islamic variety, except that none of them have, at least to my knowledge, actually slit throats or cut off the heads of non-believers.  Nonetheless, these same fanatics have destroyed the lives of countless boys turned into eunuchs ( or worse) by their machinations.

See these two web pages for an idea about what I am talking about:


Judge for yourself.


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