Political Fools and Idiots - Jake Tapper and D. Trump
I don't give a rat's ass about Jeb Bush or Donald Trump, but I can't abide the nincompoops and idiots that pretend to be important political pundits and interviewers such as Jake Tapper. Trump is definitely certifiable as a jackass - but watching the so-called news is like immersing oneself in a pigsty of stupidity.
Here is the Headline:
CNN host destroys Jeb Bush: You blame Hillary for Benghazi but insist brother blameless for 9/11
The CNN host saw some similarities. There are some. But what it demonstrates is that the entire US political and media system is incompetent, stupid and rotten. Jake was too cowardly, or ignorant, to say that US approach to the problem of Islamist terrorism and militancy is gravely flawed.
Jeb Bush was correct when he laid the blame for the Bengazi ( I don't recall the proper spelling - so what!) fiasco on Hilary and the Dems. This was a direct failure of the US government to protect their own people in an extremely dicy and difficult situation, ripe with horrific possibilities and even guarantees that really bad things would happen, which resulted in a massacre. Perhaps they couldn't have prevented it without evacuating their people much earlier - but it certainly looks a lot like there was an enormous amount of incompetence in dealing with the whole episode, from incompetent surveillance and intelligence gathering to responding to it in due time, including getting their people out of the danger zone. This was the duty of Obama and his minions (Clinton and many others). This situation was much worse than George Bush's ignorance prior to the 9/11 massacre. It was a front line of contact with the Islamic enemy. It was confounded by the convoluted and self-denying notion prevalent in US public and formal politics that Islamism is not virulent and evil by its very nature.
The 9\11 massacre was not discovered beforehand, despite plenty of evidence that something was afoot that was ignored by the FBI, the CIA, the State Department, etc., because of inter-agency rivalries, bureaucratic jealousies and a Repuclican/Democrat reluctance to target Islamist fanatics. The politicians of both parties have consistently deliberately ignored this for years. So there are similarities. It seems that the Dems and the Republicans are both incompetent and caught up in fantasies and inter-agency rivalries, political correctness and too stupid and/or venal to deal with the problem. That is the story, not whether or not Jeb Bush had a grasp on the truth. Who has in the US, at least as revealed publicly?
Here is the Headline:
CNN host destroys Jeb Bush: You blame Hillary for Benghazi but insist brother blameless for 9/11
The CNN host saw some similarities. There are some. But what it demonstrates is that the entire US political and media system is incompetent, stupid and rotten. Jake was too cowardly, or ignorant, to say that US approach to the problem of Islamist terrorism and militancy is gravely flawed.
Jeb Bush was correct when he laid the blame for the Bengazi ( I don't recall the proper spelling - so what!) fiasco on Hilary and the Dems. This was a direct failure of the US government to protect their own people in an extremely dicy and difficult situation, ripe with horrific possibilities and even guarantees that really bad things would happen, which resulted in a massacre. Perhaps they couldn't have prevented it without evacuating their people much earlier - but it certainly looks a lot like there was an enormous amount of incompetence in dealing with the whole episode, from incompetent surveillance and intelligence gathering to responding to it in due time, including getting their people out of the danger zone. This was the duty of Obama and his minions (Clinton and many others). This situation was much worse than George Bush's ignorance prior to the 9/11 massacre. It was a front line of contact with the Islamic enemy. It was confounded by the convoluted and self-denying notion prevalent in US public and formal politics that Islamism is not virulent and evil by its very nature.
The 9\11 massacre was not discovered beforehand, despite plenty of evidence that something was afoot that was ignored by the FBI, the CIA, the State Department, etc., because of inter-agency rivalries, bureaucratic jealousies and a Repuclican/Democrat reluctance to target Islamist fanatics. The politicians of both parties have consistently deliberately ignored this for years. So there are similarities. It seems that the Dems and the Republicans are both incompetent and caught up in fantasies and inter-agency rivalries, political correctness and too stupid and/or venal to deal with the problem. That is the story, not whether or not Jeb Bush had a grasp on the truth. Who has in the US, at least as revealed publicly?
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