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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Wanna See A Couple of Quebec Super-Twits?

These are the creators of draconian anti-free speech laws in Quebec.  Twits abound everywhere.

Philippe Couillard 2014-11-11 E.jpg

Monday, January 18, 2016

Update to blogpost "Some Reflections on Allowing Muslim Immigration for Democracies"

Well folks, I don't take much satisfaction from saying this, but I told you so.

My article entitled - "Some Reflections on Allowing Muslim Immigration for Democracies" was right on the money (and still is).  The recent gigantic wave of Muslim immigration into Europe and elsewhere (with the complicity of the liberal hand-wringers in many 'democratic' countries) and the already well-demonstrated results has underlined the validity of my concerns.

The evidence of this includes:

* The unprecedented recent spate of sexual attacks on German women, thefts and other outrages done by seemingly ordinary male Muslims;

* The reports out of Muslim countries about the extremely high (91% in some cases) rates of sexual attacks on Muslim women by the again "seemingly ordinary" Muslim males;

* The high rate of sexual attacks upon young girls and women in the U.K. by the again "seemingly ordinary" Muslim males; and

* The fear among police in the U.K., France, Germany and other places infected by the disease of political correctness to acknowledge and take counter-measures against the problem.

(I am sure this list is quite incomplete - some of that incompleteness derives from the refusal of the liberal media to report the problem)

Finally, some of the European countries, even including the worst offender, Germany, seem to be waking up, or at least opening one eye to squint at the truth of the problem.  Even Trudeldumb's government has, despite the election rhetoric, followed the advice of the saner experts in the Canadian civil service to try to vet the authenticity of the claims of entitlement to refugee status of what are quite frequently attempts to immigrate to the lands of high public welfare payments.

As much as liberals despise Donald Trump (he makes me uncomfortable, too), his anti-Muslim immigration policy is resonating with a large and growing segment of U.S. voters.

The deafening silence of the "feminists" of Canada, the U.S. and probably elsewhere in the 'democratic' countries on this problem, continues to make me fear for humanity, demonstrating again the vileness and stupidity of so many people.

That said, there is no doubt that there are many persons in Iraq and Syria that require help to survive.  That should be done with our help in their own region and they should not be allowed to immigrate or take refuge in European  or other 'democratic' countries for the very reasons outlined so strongly in my previous article. 

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