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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Idea Of Human Rights Has Become Degraded And Trivialized By Philistines

Social commentator Rex Murphy has penned a valuable short essay on the loss and degradation of the Human Rights our Canadian Culture has revered for its entire existence since and even prior to our country's founding in 1876.  That culture, and its values, has at least the following characteristics, most of them inherited from Great Britain's much more ancient culture and history:

I. The rule of law - including the notion of due process. 
II. The sovereignty of Parliament.
III. The pluralist state.
IV. Our personal freedoms from arbitrary State actions.
V. Private property.
VI. Our Institutions.
VII. The family.
VIII. Our History.
IX. Our Languages.
X. Our character.
XI. Respect for ourselves and for others.

My use of the term Philistines derives from a commonly-accepted definition which includes: "lacking in or indifferent to cultural values - a barbarian"

His latest comment may be found at:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rex-murphy-b-c-groin-waxing-case-is-a-mockery-of-human-rights

In it he explains how an absurd claim of false 'rights' degrades and trivializes the idea of Human Rights proclaimed in our Constitution and in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed in 1948 following the deadly tragedy of the German National Socialist Holocaust and World War 2.  He compares this so-called 'right' to the real rights of human beings trampled on by the world's current gangs of genocidal maniacs in places like North Korea and China, and could have added Myanmar and, in a much smaller degree, Venezuela.

This false claim has been taken by a biological male who has tried to trans-gender himself into a woman and is using our bastardized kangaroo courts and state harassment agents known as Human Rights Commissions to establish so-called 'rights' that offend the centuries-long traditions of our rule of law by creating ideologically-driven false rights.

I have long maintained, based on lengthy experience with Human Rights Commissions and the biased persons they choose as tribunal judges, that the phenomenon of Human Rights agents harassment of ordinary Canadians by ideologically-driven investigators and Commissioners appointed by equally foolish politicians, is a mockery of the idea of 'rights' and the notion of  'justice'.  This case is one of the most absurd and insane ones to be entertained by the clowns involved.

It is an Alice in Wonderland world we live in today.  Such a complaint  should have been dismissed after a little thought, but of course, wasn't.

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