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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

New article by Winnipeg Writer Warns People About the Dangers of Communist Ideology and Propaganda

Thanks to a descendant of the Communist atrocities against the Ukrainian People, a Winnipeg writer, Jenny Motkaluk, has reminded Canadians of the attempt by Communist forces in 1919, one hundred years ago, to establish a Communist Dictatorship in Winnipeg Manitoba. Until we (or at least some of us) became aware of the authoritarian and murderous dictatorial nature of Communism and Socialism (and its variant, Social Democracy) we were prepared to romanticize Canada's bad experience in Winnipeg.  If the revolutionaries in 1919 had succeeded we would ourselves be living in a Communist Dictatorship similar to that of the Soviet's Comrade Stalin, who himself, killed millions of his "subjects" to continue his murderous rule.

Today, this same evil ideology is attempting, in the guise of the Liberal Party of Canada, the NDP, the Greens, and the U.S. Democrats, to impose a similar authoritarian control over the economies and minds of Canadians and Americans.

See the article by Ms. Motkaluck at: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/lets-not-romanticize-the-1919-winnipeg-general-strike

As a descendant of those who escaped Eastern Europe for Canada, at the behest of Winnipeg's Cliford Sifton, then a cabinet minister in Canada's federal government, my grand-parents were lucky to have escaped when the escaping was good.  Over the years, I have learned a lot more about Soviet Bolshevism and the Communists than most Canadians (that is painfully obvious from the total ignorance shown by most Canadians).  Whether or not the Czar got what he deserved, the people of Russian, Ukraine and other regions that succumbed to the Communist Heel got nothing but a continuation of dictatorship, violence and murder under the Communists.  They were not better than the Socialists of Germany as represented by Adolph Hitler and his National Socialist Party.  That is what the ignorant Canadians who supported the Winnipeg General Strike and its organizers, mostly immigrants from Europe, wanted for Canada, whether they understood it or not. I grew up in the midst of the duped traitors to Canada who followed the Communist ideology, or its watered-down versions of socialism, Trotskyism and social-democracy.  The same threads of authoritarian fundamentalism and intolerance still exist in the supporters of the NDP and the Liberal Party of Canada.  Most of them do not know their history and what such authoritarianism ultimately leads to.

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