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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Friday, June 07, 2019

Even Chris Selley recognizes a Police State law when he sees it

Mr. Chris Selley, writer for the National Post, labels the Liberals' new impaired driving laws as Police State measures.  And he is entirely right.  His examples are cogent and true.  Way too many cops, often self-righteous moralists, could not recognize a fascist law even if it smacked them in the face.  Perhaps it has something to do with the well-known fact that power corrupts, and it corrupts small and ignorant minds more easily than most others.  A Dutch friend of mine, who escaped the NAZI's during WW2 and was a prosecutor in Regina for many years, called such people POCKET-SIZED HITLERS.  The description is accurate.

That is the problem with laws like the Liberals have created and don't care to recognize what they have done because they are of  the same small-minded self-righteous bent.

See the article at: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/chris-selley-the-liberals-police-state-impaired-driving-law-has-to-go

Mr. Selley did a good job on this one.  Police State it is.  Part of the problem with most Canadians, including you, Mr. Selley, is the failure to recognize the deeper problem.  Liberal-progressives, always so sure that they are the latest incarnation of the deity, and who know they are right and and always self-righteous about it, have the inbred inclination to enact fascist rules and laws.  Why, it even happens sometimes to conservatives.  And anyone who understands how power always corrupts people, particularly those who work in the laughably called 'justice' system along with police know that all too many of them abuse their powers, like pocket-sized Hitlers, to lord it over all of us, including lying in court to get their convictions.  Liberals don't care. Nor do the union-run NDP and other self-righteous power hungry politicians, like the Greens.  And the Liberal-created and nurtured bureaucracy are mostly no better.  Sound cynical, doesn't it.  Cynicism comes from recognizing reality.



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