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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Monday, May 20, 2019

Caught between a rock and a Hard Place - Ontario government deals with Liberal-created enormous deficit and public debt

The Ontario Conservatives honestly ran for election with a promise to restore Ontario's solvency and correct the enormous deficits and huge public debt of the irresponsible Liberal regime of McGuinty and Wynne.  Now they are trying to do what they promised.  As expected, the howls of the greedy and privileged who want to protect their ill-gotten benefits and force everyone to continue to pay for them are getting louder and louder as cut-backs are made.  The Conservatives must hold the course.

See this article:


Additional Comments:

No matter how stupid the Liberal's excessive unfunded spending was, the recipients of the spending don't want cuts.  Its OK with most ignorami to cut someone else's benefits, but not theirs.  Ford's government, as a responsible manager of public spending, trying to right the wrongs of the Liberals, has no choice but to do what the government is doing.  There is and will be pain.  But the deficits and extremely high interest payments on borrowing cannot continue, otherwise the Liberal-created mess just gets worse, not better.  Suck it up you greedy Ontarians who are complaining.  You voted those damned Liberals into office and kept them there.

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