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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Monday, May 20, 2019

Ontario Court Decision on Doctors and Conscience a Travesty of New Age Dogma

Once again a Canadian Court (Ontario Court of Appeal) has created a travesty of justice by a morally and ethically wrong-headed decision.  The matter at issue was whether or not doctors of conscience, who ethically were unwilling to assist in the intentional killing of a human being, pre- or post-birth.  No evidence was provided to the judges that acting on such ethical beliefs and qualms would prevent abortion seekers from finding doctors without such ethics to do the killing.  Unfortunately, constitutional powers of Provinces may not permit them to restrain judges from making such rulings and the Trudeau government is most likely unwilling to accommodate the conscientious objectors.

See this website for the article:


Additional Comment:

Bussey is correct that this case is a travesty of justice, morally and ethically wrong.  But it is of a piece with trends in this new age of political correctness, identity politics, disregard for valid and true age-old values, and contempt for the Christian religion and its principles.  Judges are now being brainwashed by their own organizations, as lawyers emerging from law schools are, to adopt and swear allegiance to such wrong-headed ideas propounded by liberal-progressive followers of the new dogmas. To these people 'values' are arbitrary, fluid and situational, adopted from time to time for the convenience of the dogmatists, who are willing and even anxious to ride roughshod over our time-honoured and historically validated values.  I hold these views despite not be a Christian or a believer in a deity, but being a believer in the ultimate goodness of humanity as created by our Western civilization.



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