Toronto City Council hypocrites - Pay Us our compensation first
I don't even need to read this article to know what a load of crap, hypocrisy and flim-flam the Toronto City council are pedalling.
If they have a right, which is nonsense to start with, to claim, blame and even prove damage done by polluters, then lets be fair about it.
What about the enormous damage done to the economy and to ordinary citizens on a regular basis by stupid political policies and projects, wasteful and incompetent management and taxes stolen from citizens and corporations by politicians and bureaucrats to pay for these frauds? Should we poor, suffering citizens not have the right to claim, blame and get compensation from the politicians and their bureaucrats for damages done to us by politicians, bureaucrats and the host of parasites that steal our money, then spend a lot more than they can pay and pass the debt costs on to our innocent children and future businesses?
Those damages should also be paid by the judges who protect these incompetents from being made legally responsible for their ill-advised actions. If you want proof of this, just examine the results of the policies of the McGuinty/Wynne and the Trudeau Liberals. What about the billions stolen from us by all governments and their specially enriched cartel friends for over-priced chickens, pork, milk products and taxi fares forced on us by the cartel management schemes of the Supply Management conspiracy? None of the political parties of Canada should be left off this roster of money-grabbers.
See the article by Terence Corcoran about the Toronto hypocrites and flim-flam artists:
If they have a right, which is nonsense to start with, to claim, blame and even prove damage done by polluters, then lets be fair about it.
What about the enormous damage done to the economy and to ordinary citizens on a regular basis by stupid political policies and projects, wasteful and incompetent management and taxes stolen from citizens and corporations by politicians and bureaucrats to pay for these frauds? Should we poor, suffering citizens not have the right to claim, blame and get compensation from the politicians and their bureaucrats for damages done to us by politicians, bureaucrats and the host of parasites that steal our money, then spend a lot more than they can pay and pass the debt costs on to our innocent children and future businesses?
Those damages should also be paid by the judges who protect these incompetents from being made legally responsible for their ill-advised actions. If you want proof of this, just examine the results of the policies of the McGuinty/Wynne and the Trudeau Liberals. What about the billions stolen from us by all governments and their specially enriched cartel friends for over-priced chickens, pork, milk products and taxi fares forced on us by the cartel management schemes of the Supply Management conspiracy? None of the political parties of Canada should be left off this roster of money-grabbers.
See the article by Terence Corcoran about the Toronto hypocrites and flim-flam artists:
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