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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

ChristChurch killer, evil-doer as he is, was motivated by Socialist Fascism as exemplified by China and Hitler's Germany

John Robson's article in the National Post at:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/john-robson-so-shootings-are-about-ideology-after-all?video_autoplay=true#comments-area -is a bit muddled, which is a bit unusual for Mr. Robson.  As far as it goes, I think I get his gist, but he could have made things much clearer if he had said something like this:

The ChristChurch terrorist, murderer, thug, evil-doer (yes, he is all of those) described himself as a follower and admirer of Communist China when he said in his 'Manifesto' that he was  an “eco-fascist by nature” and a supporter of British fascist Sir Oswald Mosley, who supported Hitler. The killer praises China as the “nation with the closest political and social values to my own.”  That translates  more into him being a socialist-minded fascist - like Hitler of the German National Socialists and like Mussolini of the Italian Fascisti, than most  historical bad guys I know about.  His behaviour also parallels that of the murdering Jihadi of Islam whom he obviously hates as well.

This is a far cry from Trump, whom the knee jerk anti-Trumpists try to blame for everything they don't like that happens in the world today, but it is not that far away from the leading lights of the US Democrats in the early part of the 20th century, like President Woodrow Wilson, Father Coughlin, leaders of the Ku Klux Clan, and many political philosophers supporting the US Democrats.  These Democrats were an direct inspiration to Hitler and Mussolini, as they have acknowledged back in the 1920's and 1930's.  Many of  these folks were believers of the theory of Eugenics, which finally resulted in the death camps of the NAZI's. The thread of that fascism persists into the values, beliefs and attitudes of the liberal-progressives of today.  If you are so ignorant that you don't know that, then its about time you learned a bit of history.

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