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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Anti-Semitism is strong and getting stronger in North America

Vivian Bercovicci, a former Canadian Ambassador to Israel, has written an article published today at: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/vivian-bercovici-has-the-hatred-of-jews-become-normalized

My comment here is to second her message.  I am appalled at the strength of Anti-Semitism in Canada, the U.S., Europe and elsewhere.  I am not surprised at its virulence among the world's Muslims. I call on the Trudeau government to take some real action to deal with this problem.  No phony apologies or sugar-coated Tut-Tuts, please.

As I have said before, and in the pages of the National Post, Anti-Semitism is strong and getting stronger in North America.  If it were not so, these Islamic fascists, elected to Congress of all things, would not feel so emboldened as to scream their anti-Jewish hatreds in public and in Congress of all places.  The Democrats, who are themselves riddled with such hatreds, are only prepared to make the weakest of criticisms, as Pelosi has demonstrated, providing excuses for the racist fascism of her fellow Party colleagues.  There are plenty of instances of such anti-Semitism in both Canada and the US.  It can be found in Canada at the universities among students who hate Israel and even in main-stream churches.  Where are the howls of outrage for anti-Semitism among those who are so anxious to howl the BS accusation of 'Islamophobia' against anyone critical of proponents of special treatment for Muslims, like Sharia, or critical of the ease with which Islam has been suborned into tolerance and even outright support of Jihad, terror and murder.

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