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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Pipelines the only safe means of tranporting petroleum. The evidence is Clear.

A new article discusses the relative dangers of spills and accidents involving the transportation of Petroleum products across Canada and the U.S.  The conclusion is clear.  Pipelines win.  Given the huge dependency of North American economies on petroleum and natural gas products for transportation of people and goods, for heating in frigid winters, for air-conditioning in hot summers,  and for other industrially produced products we all rely on, we will be in need of petroleum at reasonable prices for a long time.  The neo-Marxist left in both countries (the environmentalists, the Greens, the Liberals and NDP in Canada and the Democrats in the U.S.) is opposed to using petroleum.  Obviously they want to take us back to horse and buggy days.  For the foreseeable future there is no sane alternative, other than Nuclear Power Plants, to produce the needed electricity to replace some of the uses of petroleum, and even then the cost will be much higher than we are used to paying.

The evidence is clear.  Pipelines are substantially safer and cheaper than trains in bringing petroleum and similar products to market. If safety and cost were a factor that was important to the Trudeau Liberals we would likely have more pipelines.  The only thing important to them is the massaging of the anti-development and anti-resources environmentalist crowd they are in league with.  The economy, jobs and our well-being can go to hell.

See the article at this web-address:


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