Scandal Within Scandal - The Indigenous Grievance Racket and the SNC-Lavalin prosecution (or not)
Conrad Black has done it again with his thoroughness and his deep analysis. He has revealed that Jody Wilson-Raybould, the attorney-general that Trudeau fired because she was defying his efforts to save his buddies at SNC-Lavalin from prosecution, has a huge gang of skeletons in her personal closet, just as Trudeau's closer advisers and some of his cabinet appointments have. There is plenty of evidence to support Mr. Black's analysis, by the way.
Mr. Black describes JWR as a political agent for what he calls the 'Indigenous grievance racket' and that she was, as attorney general, working very hard to protect and further their political objectives to subvert the government and Canadian laws to give Indians a free pass forever at the expense of the rest of Canadians, all dangerous and harmful to Canada, to benefit 1.5% of the population at the expense of the other 98.5. He reveals that she used her office at AG, supposed to be impartial and above the political fray, to ordered her officials to capitulate to Indigenous claimants in court cases during her term as AG. In so doing she displayed a glaring conflict of interest as the attorney for the Crown. This was scandalous and an outrageous abuse of her office.
She was outed about this by one of Trudeau's PMO henchmen, Michael Wernick in the aftermath of the SNC-Lavelin scandal. The irony of this is she was put into that office by Trudeau for the most crass political reasons, cozying up to Indian politicians, when he should have known about her and their ulterior motives. Of course, it is likely those motives were pretty much the same as his.
Unfortunately, many ignorant Canadians support JWR's policies and are falling over themselves to endorse and force poverty and societal breakdown on the 98.5 percent of Canadians whose ancestors built this country and made it a force for good in the world. Put this together with the Liberal Party being infiltrated and taken over by the other dishonest and fraudulent groups in this society that are intent on our destruction, the foreign-funded and controlled Environmental Lobby, and we have a potent recipe for the death of Canada. It is only a surprise to ignorant fools who do not care to know or look.
Check out this article in the National Post here:
Also see Gwynn Morgan's article on the foreign-funded successful plot to plant agents of the Environmental Lobby inside Trudeau's government here:
Mr. Black describes JWR as a political agent for what he calls the 'Indigenous grievance racket' and that she was, as attorney general, working very hard to protect and further their political objectives to subvert the government and Canadian laws to give Indians a free pass forever at the expense of the rest of Canadians, all dangerous and harmful to Canada, to benefit 1.5% of the population at the expense of the other 98.5. He reveals that she used her office at AG, supposed to be impartial and above the political fray, to ordered her officials to capitulate to Indigenous claimants in court cases during her term as AG. In so doing she displayed a glaring conflict of interest as the attorney for the Crown. This was scandalous and an outrageous abuse of her office.
She was outed about this by one of Trudeau's PMO henchmen, Michael Wernick in the aftermath of the SNC-Lavelin scandal. The irony of this is she was put into that office by Trudeau for the most crass political reasons, cozying up to Indian politicians, when he should have known about her and their ulterior motives. Of course, it is likely those motives were pretty much the same as his.
Unfortunately, many ignorant Canadians support JWR's policies and are falling over themselves to endorse and force poverty and societal breakdown on the 98.5 percent of Canadians whose ancestors built this country and made it a force for good in the world. Put this together with the Liberal Party being infiltrated and taken over by the other dishonest and fraudulent groups in this society that are intent on our destruction, the foreign-funded and controlled Environmental Lobby, and we have a potent recipe for the death of Canada. It is only a surprise to ignorant fools who do not care to know or look.
Check out this article in the National Post here:
Also see Gwynn Morgan's article on the foreign-funded successful plot to plant agents of the Environmental Lobby inside Trudeau's government here:
Labels: Indigienouse Grieveance Racket, Jody Wilson-Raybould, Scandal within Scandals, SNC-Lavalin
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