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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Monday, May 20, 2019

Grass Root Lawyers Attack Legal Establishment's Attempts To Impose Thought Control Over Ontario Lawyers

A small group of Ontario lawyers has attacked the Establishment of the Ontario Law Society and may be able to reverse fascistic thought and speech control measures imposed on Lawyers.

Most people will be completely unaware of this, but the Ontario Law Society which pretends to be an association of all lawyers in Ontario is no such thing.  It is government agency which governs everything a lawyer can do, say or think is not a voluntary membership body.  The government gives it power to regulate all aspects of a lawyer's life while he is a member, and all lawyers are forced to be members, or they cannot legally work as lawyers.  The forced membership must pay enormous fees to the Law Society for the 'privilege' of being governed under the watchful thumb of the Society.

In the last few years, the assumed power of the law society has grown so extensive that they now presume to and have taken power to force lawyers to not only observe politically correct behaviours in their work, but to sign pledges and undertakings to agree with all and any politically correct thoughts and behaviours their rulers wish to impose on them on paid of severe financial penalties and even disbarment (no right to work).  This means that they must adhere to the 'social justice' dogma of substantive equality, diversity and inclusion in order to be in compliance with requirements for their licence.  Not only must this adherence be observed in their work, but in their personal lives not associated or connected with their lives.  The closest comparisons to this diktat were to be found in the Communist havens of the Soviet Union, Communist China, and in the socialist haven of Hitler's Third Reich.  Of course, such strictly compelled adherence to dogma is common place in many of the world's religions and religious cults.  In the old days of the Medieval  Roman Catholic Church the Inquisition burnt people at the stake for transgressing such rules.

The small group of lawyers I refer to launched a campaign to win election to the governing body of the Ontario Law Society and were successful in winning 22 of the 40 seats allocated for lawyers on this governing body.  This does not give the new Benchers, as they are called, control, since their are 13 other 'Benchers' who are not-lawyers to be contended with.  Nevertheless, it is a strong first step.  They did oust a significant number of the lawyers sponsored by their large corporate firms who have ruled the roost ever since the Law Society was created many years ago.  Most small firms and single-practitioner lawyers could never afford to become Benchers and yielded to powerful large firms.

Among the offended and defeated layers some immediately stated their hatred and contempt by accusing the new group of being bigots, racists and Nazis. “If you are (against the SOP) then I humbly invite you to f*** yourself up the a**” said one lawyer in a social media post, “and stick your ‘compelled speech’ arguments there as well.”  This lawyer should be disciplined for such behaviour, but, since he or she was only repeating the sentiments of the old gang, you can bet nothing will happen.  This kind of attack is typical of the liberal-progressive politically correct fascistic element in the old gang.

Lisa Bildy and the team she worked with and shepherded to this victory are to be congratulated for their courage, perseverance and principled stance.

The Conservative government of Ontario would be well advised to curtail and remove the excessive undemocratic and unconstitutional powers handed to or asserted by the Benchers to make life miserable for Ontario's lawyers. The behaviour of such a body, given unlimited arbitrary powers demonstrates once again that such power corrupts and leads to fascistic behaviour. The same can be said of the Ontario Human Rights Commission and its Tribunals (Kangaroo Courts). That mess needs cleaning up as well and it should be cleaned up all across the country.

Last, but not by any means least, the Canadian Constitution, including the Charter of Rights, states that it is a Fundamental Freedom that all persons must have freedom of conscience, of thought, of belief, of opinion and expression, and of association, just to cite some of the Fundamental Freedoms in section 2 of the Charter.   This abhorrent Law Society has breached all of the above.  What arrogance!  What anti-democratic fascists!  Hitler would be proud.

See Law Professor Bruce Pardy's article at:


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