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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Monday, June 10, 2019

Stand Up For Free Speech and Against State Censorship

John Robson, a columnist/commentator, gadfly, has followed up his appearance before the House of Comics Committee on "Justice and Human Rights", by publishing his recent presentation to the attendees on legislation before the HOC to censor free speech.  His words are eloquent and formidable.  Will they take his words to heart, or will they turn deaf ears to it?

Given the current attitudes of repression of free speech coming from the Trudeau Liberals and the underlying fascist politically correct thinking behind their policies that result is probable.

See Mr. Robson's article published in the National Post at:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/john-robson-censoring-free-speech-breaks-faith-with-canadians-dont-go-there#comments-area

When Canadian universities, the presumed bastions of free inquiry and debate, censor speech and ideas, as the Lindsay Shepherd case and others illustrate so well, what can we expect of the nearly witless political hacks we mindlessly elect to Parliament and our legislatures?

Appealing to them must be done, but I don't expect much will come of it.

There is a long way to fall yet.

State censorship can and will lead to things like the medieval Roman Catholic Church's Inquisition and the Puritans of Salem, which organizations burnt heretics and alleged witches at the stake. Others, like the various evils of Islam, have and are executing people for being gay, as well as heretics or non-believers such as ordinary Christians).  The list of such powerful groups and states include the murderers of the Iranian theocratic state, the Taliban, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah and other similar groups or states.

What a horde of evil people to emulate!

I nearly forgot to mention the tyrannical evils of the communist states, such as The Soviet Union, China,  and Cuba,  and the socialist fascist states such as Venezuela and  NAZI Germany, none of them related to Islam.  The list goes on including states like Myanmar, Indonesia and some states in Latin America.  It is growing constantly.

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