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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Law SocietyThought Police attack Ontario Lawyers

Here is a good and well thought out article by two Ontario lawyers of note describing the wrong-headed undemocratic and anti-freedom of thought politically correct  policies of the Law Society of Ontario.  These policies are clearly in breach of Canada's Constitution by offending against Section 2 rights in the Charter of Right and Freedoms, part of Canada's Constitution.

See article at web page:  https://quillette.com/2019/02/11/how-social-justice-ideologues-hijacked-a-legal-regulator/

Also see article from the National Post's Marni Soupcoff at web page:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/marni-soupcoff-ontarios-racialized-law-debate-is-based-on-bad-research
11:12 AM EST

My two short comment on this are:

Re: the Quillette article:

"This story reveals the fascist thought and opinion control that is happening within the legal environment today.  It not only affects practising lawyers and their firms, but it extends to training judges to be advocates for Social Justice ideas and causes while hearing and deciding cases in Canada.  This is forcing judges to be political activists and advocates, which is contrary to any democratic idea of justice.  I am certain that the same kind of thought control, with punishments and penalties for those who resist, was exercised by the German socialists under the Hitler regime.

Law Societies are given statutory regulatory powers over lawyers by governments, which makes them agents of the state.  This Social Justice ideology of today's law societies is a misuse of the power they gain from the state.  In that sense, they are in breach of the provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, especially as provided for in Section 2.  I applaud and support the legal actions being taken by Mr. Klippenstein and his associates against the Law Society of Ontario."

Additionally, in my personal experience, knowing that the increasingly socialistic, politically correct meddling of Law Societies in the lives and livelihood of good, honest, hard-working lawyers would only continue to get more intrusive and undesirable, I resigned from my own law society at the earliest possible date, so that I would not have to answer to them for anything I did that their thought police disapproved of."

Re: the Soupcoff article:

"So, Marni, what's new here anymore?  The activist warriors infesting the absurdly named - LSO’s Working Group on Challenges Faced by Racialized Licensees and the LSO’s Equity Initiative Department - have a clear agenda to promote a strongly biased result consistent with their prejudiced views.  That is the norm today both on and off campus, with radicalized (left-wing ideologically driven) warriors using the guise of honest, independent researchers to 'cook the books', as it were, to achieve the results their agendas want.  It is also the approach constantly taken by politicians and their bureaucratic hacks with Liberal, NDP and other 'progressive' ideologies.  If you have the stomach to listen to the left-wing mouthpieces, CBC or CTV, you can hear the results of this polluting the ether every day.  Let's see now - they have perverted the campuses, most of academe, most research, the lawyers and the judges.  Where can you get honest, unbiased 'justice' any more?  All we get now are trained brains sodden with lies and ideologically formulated garbage."

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