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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

New article by Winnipeg Writer Warns People About the Dangers of Communist Ideology and Propaganda

Thanks to a descendant of the Communist atrocities against the Ukrainian People, a Winnipeg writer, Jenny Motkaluk, has reminded Canadians of the attempt by Communist forces in 1919, one hundred years ago, to establish a Communist Dictatorship in Winnipeg Manitoba. Until we (or at least some of us) became aware of the authoritarian and murderous dictatorial nature of Communism and Socialism (and its variant, Social Democracy) we were prepared to romanticize Canada's bad experience in Winnipeg.  If the revolutionaries in 1919 had succeeded we would ourselves be living in a Communist Dictatorship similar to that of the Soviet's Comrade Stalin, who himself, killed millions of his "subjects" to continue his murderous rule.

Today, this same evil ideology is attempting, in the guise of the Liberal Party of Canada, the NDP, the Greens, and the U.S. Democrats, to impose a similar authoritarian control over the economies and minds of Canadians and Americans.

See the article by Ms. Motkaluck at: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/lets-not-romanticize-the-1919-winnipeg-general-strike

As a descendant of those who escaped Eastern Europe for Canada, at the behest of Winnipeg's Cliford Sifton, then a cabinet minister in Canada's federal government, my grand-parents were lucky to have escaped when the escaping was good.  Over the years, I have learned a lot more about Soviet Bolshevism and the Communists than most Canadians (that is painfully obvious from the total ignorance shown by most Canadians).  Whether or not the Czar got what he deserved, the people of Russian, Ukraine and other regions that succumbed to the Communist Heel got nothing but a continuation of dictatorship, violence and murder under the Communists.  They were not better than the Socialists of Germany as represented by Adolph Hitler and his National Socialist Party.  That is what the ignorant Canadians who supported the Winnipeg General Strike and its organizers, mostly immigrants from Europe, wanted for Canada, whether they understood it or not. I grew up in the midst of the duped traitors to Canada who followed the Communist ideology, or its watered-down versions of socialism, Trotskyism and social-democracy.  The same threads of authoritarian fundamentalism and intolerance still exist in the supporters of the NDP and the Liberal Party of Canada.  Most of them do not know their history and what such authoritarianism ultimately leads to.

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Monday, June 24, 2019

Alberta's Oil Exports Captured by U.S. Big Oil With Trudeau's Help - Huge loss of Jobs

Alberta's oil exports have been captured for some time now by U.S. Big Oil, forced by Trudeau and his pals in the U.S. through the agency of Canada's gang of Environmental fools and lunatics.  The losses of billions of $$$ and many thousand of jobs in Western Canada, especially Alberta, are the fallout from that.

Thanks to the good work and proofs provided by researcher Vivian Krause, this story has been repeated several times in the National Post.

See her latest story at:  https://nationalpost.com/news/local-news/corbella-vivian-krause-shows-canada-useful-idiot-to-u-s-interests-with-bill-c-48/wcm/25605f35-1eba-41cd-826a-179e618c3a0b

These facts have been known for some time.  Thanks to the National Post, this story keeps re-appearing, since it is absolute proof that the Trudeau Liberals are co-conspirators and traitors to all Canadian's economic/job interests in damning Alberta's economy and making it a slave to U.S. Big Oil interests.  The ban on tanker traffic preventing export of Alberta's oil through Norther B.C. and the West Coast is one of those Trudeau strategies.

One of Trudeau's top henchmen, now shamed out of his job in the Prime Minister's Office, and a person who is at least partially to blame for Ontario's near bankruptcy when he worked for the McGuinty-Wynne Liberals, was and probably still is part of that cabal (if you are too ignorant to know what that means, check your computer search engine).

If you plan on voting Liberal in October, 2019, give your head a big shake or move to one of those S-H countries you admire so much as a model for Canada.


Sunday, June 23, 2019

The dangerous anti-democratic world of Identity Politics adopted by Judges

Back in June of 1916 Rex Murphy rung a warning bell about the infiltration of the dangerous, anti-democratic notions of Identity Politics into the US Supreme Court by Judge Sonia Sotomayor appointed by then-President Obama. 

He stated that: "This is the kind of sterile, vapid, chauvinistic alley identity politics draws you into. If we start claiming special and exclusive intellectual and moral capacities because of one’s race or sex, offering those capacities as intrinsic to race and sex, then have we not merely put a happy face on the repulsive and core ideas of racism and sexism?"

His article appears at: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rex-murphy-the-sterile-vapid-chauvinistic-alley-of-identity-politics

This 3-year-old article was prophetic because the problem of judges introducing politically and socially dangerous false notions into the jurisprudence of the U.S. and Canadian Courts systems has now become immeasurably worse, with Law Schools and Judges organizations across the continent brainwashing lawyers and judges to adopt the same notions.  Now  it is not possible to be confident that justice can be obtained in our courts.

Rex Murphy points out the fallacies of identity politics in his article.  When notions of identity politics are examined closely, they are so similar to the dogmas and blind prejudices of ideologies like Communism and Fascism and the fundamentalist dogmas of some religions and religious fanatics that the differences are often only of degree. 

The Communists and Fascists torture, imprison, drug, or murder those who oppose their ideological values.  Muslim societies, especially their theocratic states, do similar things.  Ancient Christian societies also behaved similarly.  The mass murderers in power in Myanmar behave the same way towards Muslim groups. 

This isn't to say that Sotomayor and her ilk want to inflict direct physical violence upon "white males", but the similarities of the harm they do varies only by degrees, not absolutes.  However, the purveyors of identity politics do great psychological damage to "white males", children (especially boys) and to our society as a whole.  Our courts and law schools are becoming increasingly infested with such attitudes.  Our universities,  school systems and much of our media outlets already are.

Those citizens interested in justice and opposed to the false dogmas and notions of identity politics must become aware of this problem and demand that Canadian politicians and political parties put an end to these false ideas, at least in the administration of justice, policing and educational systems.

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Friday, June 14, 2019

Professor Jack M. Mintz Lays Out Trudeau Liberal Aim To Destroy Canadian Economy

According to Jack Mintz, who is  the president’s fellow at the University of Calgary School of Public Policy, "Only one country is contemplating destroying its own resource sector - Canada".  That is an extremely heavy charge to level at the Trudeau government.

The Trudeau government is about to pass two government Bills, C-48 and C-69, both designed to strangle development of Canada's most important resource export, petroleum and seriously damage both the Canadian economy and destroy the economies of Saskatchewan and Alberta.  One is intended to stop or discourage petroleum exploration, extraction and development and pipeline development in the entire country and the other to stop tanker traffic on the West Coast which would take the petroleum to market.

It is clear that the government and the Prime Minister Trudeau lie when they say they want to “develop our resources responsibly.” 

Canada’s oil and gas sector will lose over 12,000 jobs this year, a PetroLMI report predicts.

According to Professor Mintz, "numerous politicians have expressed their desire to stop resource development altogether. Their plan is for no more oilsands projects. No more pipelines. No more natural gas fracking. And no more coal. Some politicians are even going so far as considering putting an end to mining. In other words, no more responsible resource development. No resource development at all."

Meanwhile, Norway, the US, and other oil producers have been happily exporting oil to any who want it.  The customers are lining up for more and more oil to fuel their economies.

As Professor Mintz explains, "In a recent Manhattan Institute paper, physicist and energy expert Mark Mills offered a sobering wakeup call to those with unrealistic expectations that wind, solar and hydro renewables can fully replace the demand for fossil fuel energy in the next several decades. Physical limitations, he argues, simply make it impossible."

Yet Trudeau is set on returning Canada to horse and buggy days.  The buggy delusion is in his mind, not the minds of alarmed Canadians.

See the Mintz article at:  https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/jack-mintz-only-one-country-is-contemplating-destroying-its-own-resource-sector-canada

For those people who care about Canada and its future, the article deserves to be read and considered.

Trudeau's carbon tax scheme is all political flim-flam (deceit, lies).  It is just one plank of a bridge-to-nowhere erected by the Liberals as part of their overall scheme to destroy our resource economy.

Currently litigation is in process to challenge the Liberals draconian no development laws. Yet no province has sought to challenge, the "national interest", "climate emergency", and other false arguments made by the Liberals in support of using the "peace, order and good government" (POAGG) clause in the constitution. 

This would mean the challengers presenting evidence that the underlying Liberal premise that human-generated carbon dioxide is a significant cause of whatever global warming is happening is WRONG, and force the Liberals to respond with actual evidence to the contrary, or back off. 

Without that basic premise being demonstrated as fact, not dogmatic faith, there is no emergency and no excuse for the use of the undemocratic "POAGG clause. 

If the courts disregard this, then they will be acting politically to side with the Liberals, which may be a likely thing, given their past behaviours. 

At any rate, it would be useful to know for certain that the Supreme Court of Canada is, or is not, a political arm of the Liberal Party. 

The obvious fact that the alleged cure (Carbon Taxation) forced on Canadians by the Liberals, is so politically motivated, unfairly and diversely applied, that their policy is not true "peace, order and good government" at all, but simply "bad" government. 

The whole picture must be examined, not just the government's mere unfounded assertions.

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Nudging Citizens By Governments Is Sneaky, Unfair And Undemocratically Manipulative

The National Post has begun its annual Junk Science Week with an article headed - "The junky science of 'nudge-onomics' is just another excuse for more government meddling"

Read it at: https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/the-junky-science-of-nudge-onomics-is-just-another-excuse-for-more-government-meddling

Behavioural economics is a recent pseudo-science often relied on by governments and corporations intent on manipulating the public.  These practitioners hold that ordinary people are totally irrational in their decision-making.  The thinking is that because of this, if they just get it right, the public can easily be manipulated to buy stuff or support certain political and social ideas.

As economist William Watson says - "That's where NUDGING comes in".  It means that by using nudging techniques people's behaviour can be changed to suit the goals of the nudgers and the nudged won't even know it.

Apparently many governments, from the Canadian federal government to and including provincial governments have set up nudge units within the bureaucratic apparatus to do this.

Watson says - "Nudging is about the enlightened few making decisions for the many stumbling in the dark."  But why would the bureaucrats and the alleged experts be more rational than you and I?

Watson suggests that governments are in a conflict of interest position when they use manipulative techniques to "nudge" Canadians to gamble at casinos and slot machines, buy more booze, and smoke pot, because all of these are either government monopolies to collect more money from us or are just over-taxed for the same reason.  To manipulate voters to support political policies of government is using government power and tax dollars for purely partisan gain and purposes.

This is undemocratic and perpetuates the power of political elites.

 "Nudge" is a good word to describe this junk science idea, but its proponents might be properly described as "noodges" (persons who annoy with persistent complaints, criticisms, or pleas; nag, whine or carp).  We all know people like that. More specifically, Mr. Luciani is correct to ask - "What makes bureaucrats and politicians more rational than the rest of us?".  That attitude of smug moral superiority is strongly and widely held by - you guessed it - supporters of the Liberal Party, the NDP and the Greens.  It helps explain why they are so dogmatically certain they are always right and the rest of us are not worth hearing and our views not worth considering.

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Disposable Plastics and a Disposable Prime Minister

William Watson, an economist and frequent contributor and commentator at the National Post said today that - "After banning disposable plastics, Trudeau may be a disposable prime minister".

"Banning single-use plastics is the kind of know-it-all nanny-ism that really riles people. His 'science-based' assurances are not reassuring. Perhaps Prime Minister Trudeau should be relegated to "the recycling centre for ex-politicians."

See his article at: https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/william-watson-after-banning-disposable-plastics-trudeau-may-be-a-disposable-prime-minister

I, for one, am fed up with the Liberals' moralisms and prescriptions for the way I MUST run my life.

This latest preachy moral guidance, not even suitable for children, followed up a new report the Liberals obtained from Environment Canada written for it by Deloitte and Cheminfo Services.

As usual, government reports, written for a political policy purpose, particularly at election time, are notoriously biased and therefore self-serving.  This one is no different, except that it has a revealing  539 word disclaimer which pretty much warns that the report is "inadequate", based on no data and was tossed together in a hurry.

In other words, it is hard to distinguish such reports from lies.

Similarly, important parts of the recent inquiry report on the murders of Indian women are another excellent example of that.

Watson's idea of a "recycling centre for ex-politicians" for disposition of the husk of PM Trudeau is an interesting idea, but what would be the point?  Don't we have enough sludge and organic waste to deal with as it is?

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Monday, June 10, 2019

Stand Up For Free Speech and Against State Censorship

John Robson, a columnist/commentator, gadfly, has followed up his appearance before the House of Comics Committee on "Justice and Human Rights", by publishing his recent presentation to the attendees on legislation before the HOC to censor free speech.  His words are eloquent and formidable.  Will they take his words to heart, or will they turn deaf ears to it?

Given the current attitudes of repression of free speech coming from the Trudeau Liberals and the underlying fascist politically correct thinking behind their policies that result is probable.

See Mr. Robson's article published in the National Post at:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/john-robson-censoring-free-speech-breaks-faith-with-canadians-dont-go-there#comments-area

When Canadian universities, the presumed bastions of free inquiry and debate, censor speech and ideas, as the Lindsay Shepherd case and others illustrate so well, what can we expect of the nearly witless political hacks we mindlessly elect to Parliament and our legislatures?

Appealing to them must be done, but I don't expect much will come of it.

There is a long way to fall yet.

State censorship can and will lead to things like the medieval Roman Catholic Church's Inquisition and the Puritans of Salem, which organizations burnt heretics and alleged witches at the stake. Others, like the various evils of Islam, have and are executing people for being gay, as well as heretics or non-believers such as ordinary Christians).  The list of such powerful groups and states include the murderers of the Iranian theocratic state, the Taliban, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah and other similar groups or states.

What a horde of evil people to emulate!

I nearly forgot to mention the tyrannical evils of the communist states, such as The Soviet Union, China,  and Cuba,  and the socialist fascist states such as Venezuela and  NAZI Germany, none of them related to Islam.  The list goes on including states like Myanmar, Indonesia and some states in Latin America.  It is growing constantly.

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Saturday, June 08, 2019

The union flogged notion that government jobs can build our economy is pure rubbish

Unions may still think governments make jobs and create value, but Doug Ford should know better

As writer/commentator Mathew Lau argues, "the purpose of government programs is not to save employment".

Read his comments at the National Post website at:


Mr. Lau's good sense prescriptions will no doubt be condemned by the unions and social-justice warriors as anti-social, and pro-capitalist.  However, the evidence supports Mr. Lau.

Government jobs, at ever increasing extra-ordinary levels of compensation, may produce some social value to society, but increasingly less and less value as time wears on.

Jobs in the economy which are productive pay for themselves in creating economic value, which benefits everyone - because they increase wealth in society.

It is not just wealth for a few rich people, but also for productive employees that are generally paid higher wages and benefits.  Through more taxes paid by business and employees  governments get  the money they need  to provide better infrastructure such as highways and urban streets, better mass transportation, better education, better health care, and other services that support productivity and a better standard of living. 

We should all be aware that government bureaucracies always deteriorate into over-paid sinecures for most useless paper-pushers who hide from the public behind never answered phones and unreachable office palaces where bureaucrats dream up more and more regulations and red-tape that hampers or prevents productivity. 

The federal bureaucracy is the indisputable example of that. Over the last 200 years our economic system, not governments, has provided such increases in our standard of living, that all productive people (and those who are, through no fault of their own, unable to be productive) can and do enjoy, so that many people now live at such a high standard that would make the wealthy of 100 years ago envy us. 

The general rise in longevity over the last several hundred years in Canada is a sure demonstration of that.  Look at the vehicles we drive, the houses we live in, the clean water systems, the highways we drive on, the health care we get, the vacation homes we own, the travel we enjoy, the toys we play with, and give your head a shake.  These perks of productivity and increased standard of living are enjoyed by many employees in our economy.  If you look around you, you will easily see that.

Expert Government Scientist Demonstrates Trudeau's Carbon Tax Policy Is Flim-Flam (Deceptive Nonsense)

"Trudeau’s ‘climate emergency’ meets his national muddle of malfunctioning carbon taxes".  That's the lead-in to energy economist Robert Lyman's National Post article on the flim-flam of carbon taxes imposed by Trudeau and his liberal-progressive gang on unwary Canadians.  Lyman's credentials are impeccable - he is retired from 30 years as a senior Canadian Federal Bureaucrat in the role of  an adviser and senior manager.  As well he has written and published a paper entitled “Carbon Taxation — The Canadian Experience”, to be released in a few days.  He blows away all the phoney arguments about how wonderful and fair Liberal carbon taxes are and reveals them to be pure Liberal partisan politics and nothing more.

The article is found at:  https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/trudeaus-climate-emergency-meets-his-national-muddle-of-malfunctioning-carbon-taxes

Just the flim-flam alone should be enough to destroy Trudeau's claim that he is entitled to use the Peace, Order and Good Government (POAGG) excuse to over-ride provincial jurisdictions under Canada's constitution and ram his tax-plan down everyones' throats.

In other words, carbon taxing is all political flim-flam (deceit, lies). 

Strangely, no province has sought to challenge, as part of the "national interest" or 'climate emergency" arguments made  by the Liberals in support of using the "peace, order and good government" clause in the constitution. 

This would mean the challengers presenting evidence that the underlying Liberal claim and premise that human-generated carbon dioxide is a significant cause of whatever global warming is happening is WRONG, and force the Liberals to respond with evidence to the contrary. 

Without that basic premise being demonstrated as fact, not dogmatic faith, there is no emergency and no excuse whatsoever for the use of the undemocratic "POAGG" clause. 

If the courts disregard this, then they will be acting politically by siding with the Liberals, which may be a likely thing, given their past behaviours.  At any rate, it would be useful to know for certain that the Supreme Court of Canada is, or is not, a political arm of the Liberal Party. 

As Mr. Lyman also suggests, the obvious fact that the alleged cure forced on Canadians by the Liberals, is so politically motivated, unfairly and diversely applied that their policy is not true "peace, order and good government" at all.  The whole picture must be examined, not just the government's mere unfounded assertions.

Stick that in your craw or other orifice, Mr. Coyne.

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Friday, June 07, 2019

Even Chris Selley recognizes a Police State law when he sees it

Mr. Chris Selley, writer for the National Post, labels the Liberals' new impaired driving laws as Police State measures.  And he is entirely right.  His examples are cogent and true.  Way too many cops, often self-righteous moralists, could not recognize a fascist law even if it smacked them in the face.  Perhaps it has something to do with the well-known fact that power corrupts, and it corrupts small and ignorant minds more easily than most others.  A Dutch friend of mine, who escaped the NAZI's during WW2 and was a prosecutor in Regina for many years, called such people POCKET-SIZED HITLERS.  The description is accurate.

That is the problem with laws like the Liberals have created and don't care to recognize what they have done because they are of  the same small-minded self-righteous bent.

See the article at: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/chris-selley-the-liberals-police-state-impaired-driving-law-has-to-go

Mr. Selley did a good job on this one.  Police State it is.  Part of the problem with most Canadians, including you, Mr. Selley, is the failure to recognize the deeper problem.  Liberal-progressives, always so sure that they are the latest incarnation of the deity, and who know they are right and and always self-righteous about it, have the inbred inclination to enact fascist rules and laws.  Why, it even happens sometimes to conservatives.  And anyone who understands how power always corrupts people, particularly those who work in the laughably called 'justice' system along with police know that all too many of them abuse their powers, like pocket-sized Hitlers, to lord it over all of us, including lying in court to get their convictions.  Liberals don't care. Nor do the union-run NDP and other self-righteous power hungry politicians, like the Greens.  And the Liberal-created and nurtured bureaucracy are mostly no better.  Sound cynical, doesn't it.  Cynicism comes from recognizing reality.


Colorado Climate Scientist's Published Proof That Climate Change Isn’t Causing Extreme Weather Roused Politicians To Attack Him

Ross McKitrick reports that  a scientist proved Climate Change Isn’t Causing Extreme Weather — so politicians attacked and drove him from the field, and now, many scientists who have the facts and know the truth remain silent for fear of similar retaliation.

Ross McKitrick is is a professor of economics at the University of Guelph and senior fellow of the Fraser Institute who frequently writes about climate matters.

That scientist is Roger Pielke Jr., from the University of Colorado in Boulder "who, up until a few years ago, did world-leading research on climate change and extreme weather".

"He found convincing evidence that climate change was not leading to higher rates of weather-related damages worldwide, once you correct for increasing population and wealth. He also helped convene major academic panels to survey the evidence and communicate the near-unanimous scientific consensus on this topic to policymakers."

"For his efforts, Pielke was subjected to a vicious, well-funded smear campaign backed by, among others, the Obama White House and leading Democratic congressmen, culminating in his decision in 2015 to quit the field."

Furthermore the threat of similar harrassment and hounding has caused many other scientists who have the facts and know the truth, to remain silent.

Pielke, one year ago, spoke to an audience at the University of Minnesota where he outlined what he had done and attacks against him before describing the Hokenkammer Consensus Statement which he helped organize and which was issued by 32 scientists in 2006.  The Statement concluded 2 key things:  1 - that "trends toward rising climate damages were mainly due to increased population and economic activity in the path of storms" and 2 - "that it was not currently possible to determine the portion of damages attributable to greenhouse gases, and that they didn’t expect that situation to change in the near future."

Following this, in 2007,  the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) also largely agreed with the Hokenkammer Consensus conclusions.  Again, in 2012 the IPCC once again in its report confirmed its support for the Hokenkammer Consensus and said that that once you adjust for population growth and economic changes, there is no statistical connection between climate change and measures of weather-related damages."

Despite all this, just this week, Canada's primary climate alarmist buffoon justified his government's Carbon Tax  impositions on the need to control  Extreme weather events.  The lies just keep pouring out.

See Mr. McKitrick'a article at:  https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/ross-mckitrick-this-scientist-proved-climate-change-isnt-causing-extreme-weather-so-politicians-attacked

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Canadian Commission on Murdered Indian Women Gets One Thing Right

Commissioner Robinson of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls said that in some instances, the 'Gladue' principle is 'resulting in violence against Indigenous women' by affording lighter sentences to those who hurt them. She was blaming the Canadian Government and the Supreme Court of Canada for the decision to grant inappropriate and uncalled-for leniency to convicted Indians merely because of their ethnic or racial origins.

This writer and others have criticized the misled, delusional and politically motivated Commission members for its unfounded and inappropriate condemnation and accusations against all Canadian males of  'genocide', including many immigrants who had and have nothing whatsoever to do with the problem.

See Hymie Rubenstein's article at:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/what-happened-to-missing-and-murdered-indigenous-women-was-horrific-but-it-wasnt-genocide

I guess that the Commission's ideas are not all completely haywire, as one would gather from their unfounded accusations of 'genocide' against all Canadians, even those who are recent immigrants.  Just as they went off the rails with that zinger, the Supreme Court of Canada, in the Gladue case, also went off the rails.  Basing judgments about such important matters on political prejudices and dogma, as both have done, ignoring facts and reality in favour of a desire for a certain outcome, always leads to absurdities.  Even the Commission members were able to recognize that when it suited their narrative.  Of course, it is well known that Indian (Indigenous) men have been and are victimizing their women, and it is likely that more than 50% of the violence and murders came from that cohort.  I suggest such violence it is more a part of their culture than it is of the culture of Canadian men in general.  In fact, culture has little to do with the violence of non-Indian men who commit such violence.  It is much more likely is a result of innate sociopathic and/or psychopathic tendencies among such men, which may also be the problem affecting many Indian males.  The Gladue decision has resulted in inadequate sentencing of Indian men for their crimes based on nothing more than a form of racism in reverse. The upshot is that Indian offenders have been literally handed an opportunity by Canada's top court to commit more crimes against Indian women.

See the article by Maura Forrest which highlights that "Commissioner Robinson said that in some instances, the principle (the 'Gladue principle) is 'resulting in violence against Indigenous women' by affording lighter sentences to those who hurt them" at the following address:  https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/mmiw-final-report-raises-concerns-about-gladue-principle-intended-to-support-indigenous-offenders


Wednesday, June 05, 2019

What happened to missing and murdered Indigenous women was horrific, but it wasn't genocide

A Liberal government Commission kerfuffle just surfaced in Canada.  It illustrates the ignorance and prejudices of liberal-progressives in Canada, not much different from the AOC crazies of the U.S. Democrats. An unusually honest and forthright Canadian anthropologist (many of them being in the thrall and pay of corrupt Canadian Indian political interests) described the problem in the article at this Web address:


My meagre comment is as follows:

Holy Cow, I did not think there existed a Canadian anthropologist who wasn't an apologist and money-grubbing dishonest spokes-person for the current Indian (yes, Indigenous) political establishment.  But I was wrong. 

Mr. Rubenstein properly skewers the misled, delusional and politically motivated Commission members who are now accusing Canadians of one of the worst crimes imaginable. 

This is why it was so stupid for the Commission to use such a word as genocide.

Even if the definition is - “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.” - the primary thing that must be established, from a legal point of view, rather than just to make the unssubstantiated bald assertions of opinion, is intent. 

The acts referred to by the commission, applying to Indian women and Indian female prostitutes, were committed by family members, by members of the same broad indigenous or racial groups as the victims, and by others, including non-Indians, for a whole variety of reasons or intentions. 

When these are mixed together the issue becomes murky and diverse, and the acts are ultimately incapable of supporting accusations of the kind the commission has thrown around so cavalierly.

In such circumstances, accusations of genocide are inappropriate, entirely fraudulent and misleading and therefore irresponsible and invalid.


Where is our Western Civilization heading - an International Perspective

I recent received an email that confirms, or at least suggests that our Western civilization, such as it is , in deep decline towards a combination of barbarism and dictatorship, with, obviously, a long-term loss of democracy and freedom.

Here is what I received:
Some interesting facts and an obituary

Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the
University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the
Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:
"A democracy is always temporary in nature;
it simply cannot exist as a permanent
form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until
the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous
gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority
always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from
the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally
collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the
beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200
years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

>From bondage to spiritual faith;
>From spiritual faith to great courage;
>From courage to liberty;
>From liberty to abundance;
>From abundance to complacency;
>From complacency to apathy;
>From apathy to dependence;
>From dependence back into bondage."

The Obituary follows:

"United States of America",  Born 1776, Died 2016

It doesn't hurt to read this several times.

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law in
St Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning
the last presidential election:

Number of States won by:         Obama: 19               Romney: 29

Square miles of land won by:    Obama: 580,000      Romney: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million  Romney: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by:

Obama: 13.2             Romney: 2.1

Professor Olson adds: "In aggregate, the map of the territory
Romney won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.

Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low
income tenements and living off various forms of government

Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the
"complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of
Democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population
already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase..

If Congress grants amnesty and citizenship to twenty million
criminal invaders called illegal's - and they vote - then we can say
goodbye to the USA in fewer than five years .


Kind of startling and disturbing, isn't it?  It tallies with Jonah Goldberg's book title (and others have made similar predictions) "Suicide Of The West - How The Rebirth Of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, And Identity Politics Is Destroying American Democracy".

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