Canadian politicians don't understand how energy works, but the Tories' new plan gets it mostly right
See article by Diane Francis: "Investing in fossil fuel infrastructure (namely LNG and gas pipelines) is consistent with creating a cleaner planet" at:
A straight forward win-win for Canada is to move our oil to the east by pipeline, export as much as possible, then reinvest those proceeds in building renewables and exporting LNG to Asia.
The facts are that, between 2007 and 2017, the United States reduced carbon emissions, more than any other world nation. This happened partly because of the fossil-fuel shale revolution, and because natural gas has replaced coal in the generation of electrical power.
CO2 emission reductions in the U. S. were more than those achieved by Britain, Italy, Germany, France, Greece, Spain and Japan.
Despite Germany's renewable energy sector, it struggled to reach its ambitious emissions targets during this period of time because it used coal to generate electricity when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine. Because Renewables cannot do the job alone the German government is investing billions in natural gas pipelines and infrastructure to replace coal.
Naturally, these facts are not acknowledged or admitted by Canada’s dishonest Green, NDP, or Liberal Parties. Fossil fuels — notably natural gas — are critically important in helping transition the world to lower emissions by eliminating coal, the world’s dominant source of energy.
The CO2 output to generate electricity by burning natural gas is 50 per cent less than coal and lower than by burning diesel, heating oil, gasoline, or propane.
This is good news for Canada, which has more natural gas than many other countries.
Unfortunately, Canadian politicians don’t understand how energy works, much less its importance to its resident’s standard of living. The Greens would stop all new fossil fuel development, and would also shut down nuclear facilities in Ontario and New Brunswick. These goals would end up stranding the most important energy assets in the country as well as leaving Canadians in the dark and cold, without an economy.
The NDP believes that public transit, vehicle rebates, and housing retrofits would dramatically reduce emissions and create hundreds of thousands of new jobs lost in the auto and energy sectors. Wrong.
Then there are the ruling Liberals who cloak themselves in environmental morality. But consider the cynicism: Last week they declared a “climate change emergency” in parliament, then held a big press conference to announce their re-approval of a $10-billion expansion of an existing oil pipeline they nationalized to the B.C. coast that won’t ever happen, especially once their Bill C-69 is rolled out this summer. This law — with its endless and goofy consultation requirements — will effectively end resource investment and development.
The Conservatives’ new energy plan has it mostly right because it accedes to the reality that the economy must be protected and that investing in fossil fuel infrastructure (namely liquefied natural gas (LNG) and gas pipelines) is consistent with creating a cleaner planet. And so is investing in green tech innovation.
Andrew Scheer, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, speaks about the idea of a national energy corridor in Calgary on Saturday, May 25, 2019. Azin Ghaffari/Postmedia Calgary
This means that the best course for Canada is to move our oil to the east by pipeline, export as much as possible, then reinvest those proceeds in building renewables and exporting LNG to Asia.
Unfortunately, Canadian energy companies were working on that, but were sabotaged by the Liberals, the NDP and the Greens, pretty much killing those plans.
No one, of course, even mentions the best of the alternatives, modern Nuclear Energy plants.
The Conservatives’ want to build pipelines to use our resources, cut carbon taxes, develop LNG and foster green technology, fine big emitters and conserve through a “green homes tax credit.”
As Ms Francis says - "This fall, Canadians must vote for parties that realize the country’s greatest competitive advantage is oil and natural gas, and that pipelines must be built to get landlocked assets to domestic and export markets in order to best transition to a cleaner world."
This woman, who is not an empty-headed gab-bag fake-journalist pundit, but has real world credentials - knows what she is talking about.
Francis was a reporter and columnist with The Toronto Star from 1981 to 1987, then a columnist and director with the Toronto Sun, Maclean's and the Financial Post in 1987[4] and its editor from 1991 to 1998, when it was taken over by the National Post and incorporated into it.[4] She has been a columnist and editor-at-large at the National Post since then;[1] her columns are widely cited, quoted and republished. She is also a regular contributor to the Atlantic Council, New York Post, the Huffington Post, Kyiv Post as well as newspapers around the world. She is a broadcaster, speaker and author of ten books on Canadian socio-economic subjects.[1]
Francis is Distinguished Professor at the Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University in Toronto.[5] She was a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University's Shorenstein Center in autumn 2005[6] and has been a Media Fellow at the World Economic Forum.[5]
See also:
Ross McKitrick: Apocalyptic rhetoric about
extreme weather keeps ramping up. But experts say there’s no emergency
McKitrick: This scientist proved climate change isn’t causing extreme
weather — so politicians attacked
‘climate emergency’ meets his national muddle of malfunctioning carbon
goofy clause in Bill C-69 will ensure resource development in
Canada stops cold foreigners began attacking Canada’s oil industry, Ottawa turned a
blind eye. Now it’s getting worse
Our energy industry is in crisis, but Trudeau is too busy doing damage
control over SNC-Lavalin to act
Labels: journalists energy ignorami, politicians don't understand energy