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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Andrew Coyne Supports the Trudeau climate-mad hypocrites and is not worth taking seriously

Coyne produced another of his climate-loony articles on April 26th, 2019, which you can read at:


Coyne is a climate alarmist and views Carbon Dioxide as a dangerous gas, even though it is the gas of life.  CO2 feeds a large part of the needs of all plant life on the planet, which then pumps oxygen into the atmosphere to sustain all other life, including humans. He and his fellow cult members deliberately and completely ignore the well known scientifically demonstrable fact that it is Solar activity, always changing, and especially changing as the Solar System rotates through the Milky Way Galaxy that is the real driver of Earth's climate, not CO2. So, Coyne, like the liberal hypocrites, is full of the proverbial animal waste product that, like his dogma, smells foul. All of this is a false tempest in a tea-pot that is relied on by the dogmatist-alarmist politicians to justify the harm they are doing and the destruction of Canada's primary export and the jobs it entails.  The bulk of that harm is not a direct result of Trudeau's Carbon Tax, but of their so far successful attempts to stop and destroy Alberta oil production. Nevertheless, Coyne supports the Trudeau crazies and hypocrites.  He even admits that Trudeau's Carbon Tax will really be useless, even to solve their ill-perceived problem.   Why should anyone who is not loony give his utterances on this subject any credence?

Several citizen-commenters had the following things to say about his article:

Kenney is not grand standing, he is doing what he was elected to do, look after Alberta’s interests.  We can’t say the same for Trudeau, who was elected to look after Canadians interests, all Canadians interests, and last time I checked Albertans were Canadians (maybe not for long). Trudeau was not elected to “save the world. He isn’t Superman, although he dressed like him. He isn’t an Avenger. Those are comic book characters, although he is comic book leader. He is supposed to be the PM of Canada not the leader of the planet, and it high time he started acting like the PM of ALL Canadians.

Why is it that the liberal media always try to guilt Canadians into doing “more” to save the planet by paying more to the government and by modifying our lifestyles to the point where it is past inconvenient. Do our leaders in Ottawa not realize that Canada is a northern nation, and a large part of it is still rural? Do they expect us to shiver and freeze in our hovels like our ancestors so we can meet their targets while they travel the globe in a private jet?

China makes 30% of global alleged green house gases, Canada 1.4% or less. If we wanted to seriously do something about greenhouse Gases we would tax all products coming in from China rather than Canadian producers that produce a miniscule amount of CO2 for every unit of output. Put the tax where it belongs, on imports from China!


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Isn't It time Canadians stood up for their rights against fascist government actions?

A US federal court just ruled that chalking of tires is a breach of a person's constitutional rights and threw out a case based on that infraction by cops and the government.  A three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati made the decision by reinstating a 2017 case from a woman who had been issued 15 parking tickets in three years in Saginaw, Mich.

The Appeal Court said "The city commences its search on vehicles that are parked legally, without probable cause or even so much as 'individualized suspicion of wrongdoing' — the touchstone of the reasonableness standard."

The court also said the city was wrong to argue that parking enforcement is part of its "community care taking" responsibility since overstaying a parking spot doesn't cause harm to the community. The judge later added that the way Saginaw institutes parking laws "is not without constitutional limitation."

Here is a report on that: https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/440166-court-rules-parking-officer-enforcing-laws-by-swiping-car-tires

This same infraction of a persons rights occurs in Canada all the time, but Canadians, and their lawyers, always sheep-like when being led to slaughter, have never fought it, although our constitution is similar to the US one.

Section 8 of our Charter of Rights says that everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.  That means, according to court interpretations,  that police, which includes city traffic wardens who issue tickets and mark tires, are nor entitled to intervene without due cause, meaning they must have due reason to expect illegal behaviour from citizens.  Blanket actions of the type exhibited by tire marking is not "due reason" or "probable cause".

It is time our lawyers and the public take the illegal actions of cities and governments to court or just defend themselves properly in court.


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Canada's nincompoop of a foreign minister, Christina Freeland, reveals her foolishness and more on Threats and Terrorism

Canada's tweetledumb foreign minister tweeted “Today, at the UN Security Council, Canada condemned white supremacist terrorism. This grave terrorist threat must not be ignored and must be at the top of the agenda when we talk about confronting terrorism.”  Thanks to John Robson of the National Post, her latest inanity balloon has been punctured. In his article he shows that as terrorist 'threats' and acts can be ranked for their cumulative level of heinousness, those generated by white supremacists are only a small footnote to any discussion.

See the article at:


However, he should stop using that stupid word "woke". It is meaningless, except to cretins, and conveys nothing to ordinary readers. It has several legitimate meanings - one, a real meaning, having to deal with the state of consciousness after sleep, and two - an idiot meaning, having to do with some aspect of clothing or apparel that some idiot wanted another word for. Why must we contaminate the language with garbage?

Back to the identity and politically correct idiots - if woke to them means something relating to social consciousness, then let them use "social consciousness", not some lazy and idiotic slang phrase lifted from other cretins who destroy the language.  Why do normal people choose to use it? Except in some esoteric mystical mind-fog, no ordinary person knows what it means, should know what it means, or give a flying F--------- about it. Such nonsense detracts from a discussion of real problems, which Robson's article is really about.

Of course the Twit Tweeland is an idiot.  Look who her glorious leader is, after all.  But in the opinions of Tweetledumb and Tweetledee, to blame Muslims for anything, despite the wholesale genocidal  slaughter, invokes that dreaded word - Islamophobia. 

Even what might sound or look like paranoia is just common sense, when the bastards really are out to slaughter you. Of course, there are very many Muslims who are not slavering murderers of Christians, whites, other Muslims, etc. - many of us know many decent people who are Muslims, who just want to escape the evil Islamists and live, survive and prosper in a relatively civilized country and culture.

For more on the Sri Lanka massacres and the escalating genocidal attacks on the world Christians, see the excellent article by Catherine Pepinster of The Telegraph newspaper at:


and discussed in my recent post of this date.


Murderous Genocidal Attacks by Islamists against Christians in Sri Lanka highlight a growing genocidal hatred of Christians

A new article by Catherine Pepinster writing in a London newspaper, The Telegraph, describes the growing number of atrocities being committed against Christians in many countries throughout the world which rival the ongoing genocidal treatment of Jews in Europe during many past centuries.  The article may be read at:


Or see: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/2019/04/22/sri-lanka-attacks-reflect-era-global-christian-persecution-surpasses/

The recent Islamist bombings of Christian churches full of worshippers on Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019, marking the Roman murder and crucifixion of Jesus Christ were the catalyst for this article.

It is not enough to wail and mourn these genocidal atrocities.  It is time for retaliation.  Forgiveness and accommodation is not a reasonable option when the common penalty for being Christian is murder.

But what is worse is that so many in Christian countries like Canada, the US, and the UK ignore and deny these atrocities and wallow in false guilt that emboldens the murderers.  In Canada Christianity and Christians are attacked by their fellow citizens who accord special rights to hostile religious elements.

Christians should be at least beginning to understand the evil of anti-Semitism, as the genocidal attitude that has murdered so many Jews during the past many centuries in Europe is now being directed with violent fervour against Christians in many parts of the world.  What is so heinous is the attitude in Canada, the US and the UK, among too many of our citizens, and especially our youth, of hatred and disrespect for Christians, fostered by enemies in academia and the brainwashing 'teachings' of the same socialist academics.

This same suicidal liberal-progressive guilt drives the anti-semitic policies of major Canadian churches towards Jews and Israel, supporting the sworn deadly enemies of Israel.

For many Canadians it would be beneficial to watch the movie - Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006), starring  and co-written by Sacha Baron Cohen.

Although the movie depicts gross anti-jewish prejudices that permeate Kazakhstan and its Muslim population by displaying extreme racist caricatures of Jews as believed by many ordinary Kazakhstanis, the US media ignores this completely in describing the movie's plot and narrative.

Given the genocidal hatred demonstrated by Muslims and others against Christians throughout many countries as detailed in this article, it is difficult to conclude that the race-hatred caricatures of Jews in the movie are not held and believed by many Muslims, and not just Islamist terrorists.

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Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Quebec may enact a new law banning some practises of a religious nature in important official and public circumstances.

Quebec may enact a new law banning some practises of a religious nature in important official and public circumstances.

The Province of Quebec is considering a law that restricts certain behaviours by persons who wish to hide their faces and identities from public view.  The new law prohibits all government employees in positions of authority — judges, police, educators in elementary and high school (plus anyone carrying a weapon, such as wildlife officers) — from wearing face coverings or visible religious symbols.  This law will mainly affect Muslims who wish to hide their faces and some others who wish to signify their personal religious affiliations in jobs where those matters should not be signified or stressed and should be irrelevant to their jobs.  As Ms. Kay states: The matter was settled by the European Court of Human rights (“the Court”), which found that the prohibition of face veil in important circumstances and situations did not violate the European Convention on Human Rights. The Court based its decision on a number of factors, including public security, and “protection of the rights and freedoms of others.”  In other words, major group rights, which are important to the maintenance of a democratic society and its values should not be swept aside by competing rights of a much less significant and important nature.

See the article by Barbara Kay at:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/barbara-kay-what-the-anglo-media-misses-about-quebecs-religious-law

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Monday, April 01, 2019

Naive? - nonsense - no integrity and no honour, that's more like it

see this web page:  https://nationalpost.com/opinion/chris-selley-if-jody-wilson-raybould-was-naive-so-were-many-of-us?video_autoplay=true

Credibility and integrity is everything, at least to honourable people.  No one in this mess of crap fits the definition of those two words.  Of course, to any sane person, since we are dealing with the two categories of the least credible and least honourable groups in the world, politicians and journalists, its no wonder the belief level is near zero.  No one in this scandalous mess emerges unscathed.  Lets see if conservative leader Scheer has the strength and desire to clean out the Agean Stables of Canadian Politics.  Could he do worse that the current occupants?  Not too likely.

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