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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Friday, December 16, 2016


B.C. teacher fired for having the wrong opinion

Politically Correct fascism and entitled children (who are pawns in the game) have launched a major attack on Constitutionally 'Protected' free speech and expression in the case of one unfortunate B.C. male teacher.

The teacher is afraid that should he challenge the administration of the school who fired him, he will be blacklisted and unable to obtain employment in B.C., or even elsewhere in Canada, so, unless his union goes to bat for him without his consent, nothing will be done.

While school boards are entitled to discipline teachers who engage in teaching material that is clearly outside of and contrary to the curriculum within which all must work, or truly promote hatred and who advocate that students should do or commit acts that are illegal and could reasonably be understood to inflict harm upon others, this beleaguered teacher did nothing like that.

The Alleged Offence

In discussing issues completely within the parameters of his job, ie., a course dealing with “the criminal law unit, a lesson on vice, ethics, morality and the law”, among other illustrations of areas where an individual's morality or ethics sometimes differ from current laws, he referred to his own opinion that abortion was wrong, without launching into any further comments or discussion of that subject.

Nevertheless, a female child (if one is entitled to use a 'gender' word these days), familiar with the jargon of feelings' offences used by Human Rights Commissions and other such warriors of Political Correctness, immediately complained to the local Administration lackey, that she felt 'triggered' and 'unsafe' by this opinion, and, that, in any case, the teacher had no right to an opinion on the subject of abortion because he was a man.  The latter comment stinks of rotten feminism.

Bingo - the teacher was fired.  Not only was he fired, but, making matters even worse, his teacher colleagues have been placed under a gag order not to discuss this incident publicly.

The School Administration's reaction recalls to me the reactions by Dictators and other similar murderers to opinions they do not like, including such luminaries as Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Papa Doc Duvalier, Pol Pot, Ayatollah Khomeini. While this last statement may seem to be excessive on the surface, particularly because the School Administration did not physically harm the person of the fired teacher, their reaction deprived him of employment, his supposed Constitutional Rights to free expression and opinion legitimate in the circumstances, and his family of the financial support he now will be unable to provide them.  The difference is one of degree, not of essence.  The school administration's reaction is an attack on Canadian democracy and values fought for even before the Magna Carta and which are always in danger from governments, bureaucrats, police and other apparatchiks who claim to know best what is good for their 'subjects'.  This reaction IS a matter of essence.

On the subject of the female teenager's response to the teacher the following are some comments I recently made to a Canadian journalist (there are so very few that are worthy of that appellation) on a similar issue, saying, among other things:

"I share your consternation or bemusement respecting the tissue-paper thin and exceedingly tender skins and minds of so many of today's younger folk.  I also realize that this phenomenon is at least partially caused by the generally over-protective and 'special' upbringing they have received and the overwhelming feeling of entitlement they suffer from that has resulted from such an upbringing.  I am not just talking about current teenagers, but also many in their 20s, 30s, and 40s or even older.  The melt-down has been going on a long time.

This is not something inherent to or gene-driven respecting humans.  It began long ago by the creation of childhood as a special category within a society increasingly dominated by the opinions of so-called 'thinkers' and 'theorists' spewed forth by our Universities and the claptrap they teach in said institutions.

I was recently appalled by the news that Fidel Trudeau's Liberals have enacted or are about to enact legislation making ordinary references to gender (a la professor Peterson) a hate crime, and what Rex Murphy recently had to say about 'self-esteem' running amok.  These are all part and parcel of the aforesaid phenomenon.  It is also part of the increasing decadence of the 'West' and of all British- and European-derived societies.

It is part of the slow process of implosion and disintegration our societies and cultures are undergoing.  I cannot help but think of the Chinese curse:  'May you live in interesting times.'