Trudel-dee-dee Trudel-dee-Dumb
Trudel-dee-dee Trudel-dee-dumb
I told you so. The idiot is making good on his intention to bankrupt Canada and all of us: Viz. - the extreme deficits promised in his March 2016 budget. No one who has an economic clue and isn't full of hate for fiscally and financially responsible, coherent government, fails to understand that. Even the Auditor Generals of most provinces, operating under rules designed to protect fiscal and financial government, have made it clear that Liberals in government, such as Ontario and British Columbia, Quebec, have failed miserably in their duties. It happened under the federal Tories. Now it is going to happen in a much more egregious way federally. Watch and learn.
Even the NDP might not have been so stupid - except for their having been taken hostage years ago by Union Bosses and what they might do to the rest of us for that reason. However, the Liberals are apparently worse. Could their well demonstrated arrogance in government (McGinty and clones, the Quebec Premier, British Columbia Premiers, Trudeau #1, The Cretin) be proof of that? Apparently, they want to resurrect Union Investment Funds, a bad idea to begin with and a worse idea to resurrect. Some people never learn (or care).
If there was one thing Harper and the Tories were good at, it was managing government spending and paying down the deficit. Of course, if you are a fan of Liberalism and Social Democracy, you don't think that is important.
The biggest problem: Politicians are almost all ignorant idiots with running mouths for brains. They are even worse that the foolish journalists we are infested with. Many of them have never done an honest day's work or had to manage a business in such a way as to make it prosper and be successful. Yet these are the fools who set fiscal and tax policy and spend billions on either outdated, ill-thought-out or otherwise foolish programs and policies. They are just 'ordinary' guys. Would you want your brother-in-law or your loud-mouthed ignorant neighbor to run your company, your hospital, your army, your bank, or any legitimate economic activity in which you might invest your money? I doubt it.
Welcome to Canadian governments.
I told you so. The idiot is making good on his intention to bankrupt Canada and all of us: Viz. - the extreme deficits promised in his March 2016 budget. No one who has an economic clue and isn't full of hate for fiscally and financially responsible, coherent government, fails to understand that. Even the Auditor Generals of most provinces, operating under rules designed to protect fiscal and financial government, have made it clear that Liberals in government, such as Ontario and British Columbia, Quebec, have failed miserably in their duties. It happened under the federal Tories. Now it is going to happen in a much more egregious way federally. Watch and learn.
Even the NDP might not have been so stupid - except for their having been taken hostage years ago by Union Bosses and what they might do to the rest of us for that reason. However, the Liberals are apparently worse. Could their well demonstrated arrogance in government (McGinty and clones, the Quebec Premier, British Columbia Premiers, Trudeau #1, The Cretin) be proof of that? Apparently, they want to resurrect Union Investment Funds, a bad idea to begin with and a worse idea to resurrect. Some people never learn (or care).
If there was one thing Harper and the Tories were good at, it was managing government spending and paying down the deficit. Of course, if you are a fan of Liberalism and Social Democracy, you don't think that is important.
The biggest problem: Politicians are almost all ignorant idiots with running mouths for brains. They are even worse that the foolish journalists we are infested with. Many of them have never done an honest day's work or had to manage a business in such a way as to make it prosper and be successful. Yet these are the fools who set fiscal and tax policy and spend billions on either outdated, ill-thought-out or otherwise foolish programs and policies. They are just 'ordinary' guys. Would you want your brother-in-law or your loud-mouthed ignorant neighbor to run your company, your hospital, your army, your bank, or any legitimate economic activity in which you might invest your money? I doubt it.
Welcome to Canadian governments.