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Commentaries On: Canadian and International Political Issues, Legal Matters, Politicians and Other Rascals

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada

Friday, July 03, 2009

Canadian Muslim Decries Canadian Tolerance of Harmful Behaviours of Some Muslims and Other Immigrants

Mahfooz Kanwar, PHD, a sociologist and an Instructor Emeritus at
Mount Royal College in Calgary, provided The Calgary Herald on March 30, 2009, with an article slamming Canadian tolerance of Islamist political posturing and statements, and called for Canadians abandoning political correctness, demanding assimilation of Muslim and other immigrants into the mainstream, and requiring such immigrants to become patriotic and loyal to Canada.

For example, he criticized calls for the making of Punjabi one of Canada's official languages, and demands by some Muslims that Canada's national anthem not be played in schools.

He said he found it amazing that Canadians should be afraid of offending minorities by asserting Canadian culture and principles. He referred to Canadians as being timid, afraid to assert their own freedom of expression and values.

He wrote that Canadian should require immigrants to adjust to Canada, rather than immigrants demanding that Canada accept immigrant cultural norms and notions. He stated that it was up to immigrants to adjust to the majority, not the reverse. He stated that, while citing examples of Muslim wrong-doing, Canadians do not kill their daughters or other females in their families who refuse to wear the hijab, burka or niqab, underlining that these forms of dress are not even mandated by the Koran. This sort of un-Canadian behaviour and attitude must be given up by immigrants to Canada.

Mr. Kanwar cited numerous examples of behaviour harmful to women practised in other countries, not just Muslim ones, that are unlawful and should not be tolerated in Canada and that behaviour of a similar nature in Canada should be exposed and prosecuted. He also cited examples of some of this behaviour in Canada.

Mr. Kanwar opposes the call by some Muslims for establishment of Sharia law in Canada, as well as the importation of violence against homeland enemies into Canada, where it does not belong.

He also says that while he was once a supporter of multiculturalism, he is no longer because it has been perverted into a wrongful tolerance of improper, unpatriotic and even unlawful behaviour by some immigrants.

Of course, due to our country's goofy laws relating to copyright, I have not been able to quote his article at length and in full context. Perhaps readers can find it online at the Calgary Herald should they wish to read the entire piece.

Nevertheless, I am pleased to see an immigrant from one of the countries where some of the worst offenders against the concept of becoming Canadian and in favour of importing harmful ideas and practices into Canada come from, frame his criticisms in the same way I would. After all, I too, as is the case with most Canadians, come from immigrant roots, yet I have no identification, other than one of curiosity and a few food-related customs, with the homeland of my grand-parents.


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